It's the weekend so kitties rule!
This time round, I managed to snap a nice picture of the stray cat who comes over to the house regularly to eat. He's a bit of a terror as he always picks fights with everyone. Whenever he is around, the cats get all defensive and run off. Sometimes, I also get pretty upset with him especially if he crosses the line and attacks one of the cats. Usually it's a bucket of water I splash at him to tell him NO! As the months go by, he's getting tamer and not so jittery hence it is also easier to snap a nice picture like this one of him chilling out.
Puddy and Kate from A Byootaful Life is hosting WCB this weekend so expect lots of antics from Puddy and the other kitties.
This stray cat is beautiful and has such lovely eyes! He seems to be a sweet kitty, although he likes to fight with everyone around...
rosa - hiya, how's fridolin and maruschka? He is a beauty, just unfortunate he has a bit of an attitude. Trying to tame him slowly.
This kitty looks like he is wise, wants to be a nice cat, but has been given a raw deal by being born a stray. Just look into his eyes, he is saying, "really, I am a good kitty!"
He must be related to Mini. hehehe He's cute tho.
what a handsome little guy.
such a lovely face.
hugs'n'kisses and have a wonderful weekend
Kashim & Othello
send your stray-cat over to me !
lamiacucina in switzerland
We love seeing the stray kitties you feature for WCB. He's quite handsome.
-Amar and Luna
lannae - I always think so too but everytime he attacks my cats, I get angry though with his lack of discipline in sharing food.
hot mbc - he's a stud I think, very handsome.
astrid, kashim and othello - hiya, thanks for dropping by and yes, he is a very handsome fella who gets the girls in a tizzy sometimes.
lamiacucina - I wish I could but I don't think he will survive a journey to Switzerland.
peoplestank - thanks. This fella seems to be a keeper so far.
Oh what a handsome face he has! Poor thing has no social skills...yet. But all things are possible, so he'll learn eventually not to attack.
OMG, wat a handsome looking fella!! He does look like a very macho cat that will terrorize all the neighborhood cats.
Such a handsome boy! It's very good that he is becoming tamer and not so jittery - hopefully that will keep up. Lovely picture!
ann - he is slowly learning. Today, I spoke to him and at least he understood me.
honey star - he is kinda like a macho terrorist but his girlfriend is a sweetie. She's the calico stray who comes over and they both get along well.
sammawow - yes, hopefully one can reach out and clean him up a bit after a few months! He needs a good clean up desperately.
Amazing eyes! Too streetwise for other cats good perhaps, good luck in getting him to mellow down a bit:) Beautiful pic!
pia k - thanks. must slowly train him to be a sweetie.
what a beautiful green-eyed boy!
maybe he just wants to share your sushi?
he looks like he loves you. do you have a name for him?
btw, thanks for stopping by. it's always fun to stop by my blog and see visitors from around the world.
see you around this weekend.
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