Pan-roasted scallops with cauliflower puree
Call it the typical new year resolution but I recently, had a brilliant idea to revive Sunday lunches at home. Must have been the influence from the Asian Food Channel, which plays Ramsay's The F Word but I got swayed to purchase Gordon Ramsay's Sunday Lunch one day.
Herb-crusted rack of lamb
I went through page by page of the cookbook and decided to tackle the first Sunday lunch - Mediterranean flavours. Actually I was attracted to the idea of cooking rack of lamb, something I have yet to attempt.
Courgettes provencale
I started out with the first course, the scallops. An interesting combination of flavours, the scallops are served on a dollop of cauliflower puree, a caper and sultana dressing and vinaigrette. Although this dish wasn't too perfect (I had not seared my scallops enough), we both voted this the best item. I liked the slightly tangy caper and sultana dressing with gave flavour to the bland tasting but creamy cauliflower puree. Even the vinaigrette went beautifully with the whole combination. Even though I had halved my portions, I had loads of puree and dressing to go around.
Potatoes boulangere
I also liked the rack of lamb but we had quite a few problems trying to cook it. Even though recipe called for 10 to 15 minutes, it took a while in the oven. I didn't want my lamb to be too pink, hence we may have over-roasted it a bit. Next time, I reckon we will get it A-perfect.
Baguette and butter pudding
The sides like the courgettes were yummy even though I had forgotten basil leaves in it. I didn't really like the pommes boulangere. Maybe my potatoes and onions weren't covered enough with stock as some bits weren't cooked and dried out.
For desserts, we had the baguette and butter pudding. Since I had used quite a high baking dish, my custard didn't cover the whole pudding, hence the top was extra crispy. I liked the eggy bits at the bottom, which went well with cold ice-cream.
Am not too sure if I am up to cooking for others at the moment as I reckon, I need more practice! Hopefully the next menu I pick is easier as I definitely need a sure winner to serve when friends come over for lunch.
Lovely! But how long did it take for you to whip up such lovely Sunday lunch? COoking in can be so much fun right?
Scallops look good! Yummy. Gordon Ramsay is like the top celebrity chef in London and I have to agree that his cooking is great. I have been watching many of his programmes on the TV like F word, Kitchen nightmare, Hells Kitchen... and the latest is Cook Along Gordon Ramsay. :)
precious pea - started prep around 11am and got to eat around 12-1pm. Quite long right for a 3 course meal?
lemongrass - he is so hot in Asia now as all his programmes get shown on the new food channel.
I salute you .. !! i could never do this in a few hours.. ;)
my goodness. the rack of lamb looks divined. U have to cook more!!!
I've been hooked on Ramsey for donkey years .. he's good, minus all the swearing but that's what makes him different eh? Hope to get a chance to try our his restaurant in London this April too! Was this book easy to follow as compared to the rest?
scallops with cauliflower puree!! something special for mii... thats amazing that done all this dish in short time!! woah~
i'll be waiting by my phone.
Must check out this book to see if it's easy enough for me to follow.
Yes Chef!! ur such a great cook..i will just wreck the kitchen if i ever attempt on doing something 'big' liek this
Precious pea's dishes are fantastic! It looked fabulous...
I doubt with my current culinary skill i can attempy such "project".
Good effort to have a homecook restaurant style lunch!
U not only find the best place to eat ...masak-masak can really cook too !!!
Like your food but turn off Ramsay the first show I watched. Having the best cooking skills does not give you the right to hurt your own brothers.
The next time you cook again, dont forget to invite me lah, ok. Look so delish. Luckily I'm here, kalau tidak sure I dah serbu your house.
Yeah, I like Ramsay too. He is the manly man and a little rude type of man. They kind that you think you can change....
hallo, hallo, me, me, (hands up)....i want an invite.
Looks great...such a lovely lunch!
What a nice idea; scallops and cauliflower puree!:D
if u r goin to open a restaurant i want to review your food!
Gordon Ramsay is really famous in the UK. All food looks delicious! Potatoes boulangere looks especially delicious!
what a feast.... hope there wasn't any F*** words during your cooking? lol
mamabok - sigh! not easy but when u're hungry you have to move faster.
Daphne - only when I have the time!
imbi and itchy - my first Gordon Ramsay book so can't compare but the menus look interesting.
yammylicious - the dressing is also unique, sultanas and capers. Very nice combo.
LL - ooops, must wait a while as not perfected!
kampungboycitygal - the trick is to cook all this for someone and that person cleans up after that!
irrestible - hiya! you can also do this at home?
jojo - thxs!
wushu_kid - yeah, a lot of drama involved with him.
flower - wow, you're "serbu" my house??? Hee hee, no worries.
fbb - me not as good as you lah! Yr parties are legendary.
christy - thxs!
joe - aiks, I don't think I have the patience. I rather eat at restaurants.
wenching and esiong - yeah, ramsay is definitely England's darling.
jackson and BBO - yup, one time feast but no F words!
wow that looks very ambitious for a sunday! the pictures and descriptions look/sound delicious
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