More sweet items - this time round, home made pineapple jam cookies whipped up last weekend for Chinese New Year.
My mother and I were trying out a recipe she recently learnt. Pretty simple to make and the pastry is very good especially when hot from the oven. It's easier to handle compared to our usual Pineapple Balls recipe. The flaky pastry is good because of it uses very little moisture except egg yolk and of course, loads of butter. Give it a try when you have time. The jam within is from the Pineapple Balls recipe. We originally wanted to shape the cookies to look like pineapples but it got to be a bit of hassle hence we just decorated it with the knife.
Pineapple Jam Cookies Pastry
200g plain flour
125g butter
1 egg yolk
pinch of salt
Measure butter and cut into small cubes. Add in mixing bowl. Sift plain flour and a pinch of salt over butter cubes. Using your finger tips, rub in the butter and flour. You can also use a food processor to mix this together. You will get a crumbly mixture. Add egg yolk and mix till it forms into a smooth ball of pastry.
To make the cookies, you pinch a ball of pastry and roll it till smooth on the palm of your hand with your fingertips. Flatten the ball on your palm till thin and add the pineapple jam (rolled up in small balls). Wrap pastry over it and pinch off any extra. You want a thin layer of pastry only. Roll the pastry again till it is completely smooth and round. Decorate accordingly. You can use a small scissors to cut the pastry to resemble a pineapple or just use a fork or knife to create decorative dents. Brush with egg on top and bake in a preheated oven of 180C for about 20 minutes.
Hmmmm... You've inspired me bake this weekend! Homemade pineapple tarts are so much better. The commercial ones always taste sweet and flat.
i tot making the roll type, with the pineapple filling showing at the top and bottom is easier... :p
I'm so overwhelmed with work that I haven't even think of CNY cookies yet! Yikes! Yours look great!
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Hmm... i make the same dough last weekend.. But the doudh don't seem to stick together.. should i add a bit of water?? and my recipe is almost the same as urs..
heya your pineapple tarts look too cute to be eaten haha! looks a lil similar to the ones in Jonkers Malacca.. though for theirs, they don't close it fully.
.. maybe will get 1 box tomorrow in jonkers haha.
Oh keep one for me yah!
HAven't got time to do any baking at all. Didn't even got time to buy.
I think i'll do my purchases aft my test today. Pineapple tart, Wait FOr ME!!!
Wow! Good luck with the baking, paprika. Can't wait to see the results on the blog.
ling239 - I rarely make that type since we do the hand method vs the roll way.
daphne - I know, I worked on Sunday instead but took a break on Sat and made this.
thxs msian food review!
taira - if didn't stick together, add more liquid. If too sticky, add more flour. You need to adjust accordingly.
quachee - mine look like worms I reckon!! Oooh, Jonker ones are yummy. I love the flat tarts.
BBO - gone already in one day in someone's tummy!
Jojo - yeah, sometimes if no time, buy is much better.
your tarts look so yummy! I made my own pineapple tarts this year too but it was making the jam that drove me nuts!
bee nee - yes, lots of prep work for tarts as the jam needs to be cooked ahead for a few hrs.
I just started to make mine this year. Fingers kind of painful now ;p
i was so inspired, i went and bought some jam....but havent made yet. oh dear.
pineapple jam cookies are like cookies u def will c during CNY =) i def love them..wish im in Malaysia now =(
These are my favourite!!!
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