Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ramadan Bazaar @ Taman Tun Dr Ismail, KL

The Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) Ramadan Bazaar has shifted again this year - from the market's carpark to Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 3 and 4 which is near the new UDA condominium construction site. It feels smaller versus
last year probably because there is more space to place the stalls and walk around. Personally, I prefer this location as it's easier to get parking with the two private car parks nearby.

The first thing that greets you if you walk in from Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 4 is this mountain of deep fried popiah. There are three varieties: popiah basah, deep fried popiah and popiah coated in a sweet chilli sauce. This popiah stall is a familiar sight if you're a regular to the night market on Sunday.

I know I have another picture of the popiah assembly line from Gombak but this one was too colourful to ignore especially with the turmeric hue shredded yam bean they have added on top of the bean sprouts.

There was this stall selling deep fried samosas filled with beef or chicken. I also spied last year's Apam Tepung Beras stall which was selling their pastel coloured hued cakes.

One of my favourites, pulut panggang which has glutinous rice and a filling of dried prawns, grated coconut and lemongrass. Extremely yummy especially when they are eaten hot from the grill. There was also last year's stall selling tapai pulut and lepat pisang inti.

This enterprising fella was blowing a whistle or ringing his brass bell to get people to come to his stall which sold all kinds of cooked curries and vegetables, desserts like creme caramel and ayam percik.

There is even the Malay version of Lok Lok whereby you can choose what you want and cook it in boiling water provided in pots. Dipping sauces are also available for you to add once it is cooked. Next to this stall, there were people from Colgate Palmolive giving out free toothpaste to everyone.

This is the savoury version of kuih cara which has shredded chillies, chopped spring onions, fried shallots and minced meat inside. There is also a sweet version which is usually made from a batter that is flavoured with pandan essence and is green in colour.

This particular Ramadan Bazaar has an abundance of stalls selling Briyani rice - there was An Nur Briyani from Kampung Baru which I ate once, Bombay Briyani and etc. I was totally confused on what to try out and I eventually decided to join the long queue which was forming when a stall opened at the crossroads of Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 3 and 4. I concluded the food must be good since the queue started even before the stall had opened for business! They were selling three varieties - briyani gam chicken, briyani beef and briyani mutton. We had the briyani gam chicken which was extremely yummy. It's also value for money as you get a mountain of rice with a piece of chicken for RM6. For those of you who are unsure about briyani gam, do try it they cook the meat within the rice which makes it more aromatic.

The An Nur Briyani stall was selling a Johor specialty - Telur Pindang that is cooked in herbs and spices. It's like the Malay version of tea eggs except herbs are used.

There was even tauhu bakar being grilled over charcoal fire that you can enjoy with vegetables and rojak like sauce.

Although there were two putu stalls i.e. putu bambu and putu piring, it was the latter that was doing brisk business. Unlike the other places, their putu piring is much smaller and going for RM0.40. This makes it nicer to eat as there's more palm sugar (gula melaka) filling versus the glutinous rice flour added in. However, you need to wait quite some time for them to cook it as people will order large batches of it.

This bazaar also has cendol which you can pack to take home. It's nice and refreshing to drink this especially after one whole day of fasting.

One of my favourites - onde onde that is made from glutinous rice flour tinted with pandan flavour and green colour. Inside it you will find palm sugar syrup (gula melaka) that complements the grated coconut it is rolled in.

One stall was selling cucur udang that is made from fresh prawns. A batter is mixed with prawns and shredded vegetables that is deep fried till crispy.

This brilliant green Kuih Bakar caught my eye. It's made from a batter whipped up from coconut milk, flour, eggs and pandan flavouring. After it is baked, sesame seeds are sprinkled on top of it.

Something which is also popular at these bazaars is the Creme Caramel. You can either buy them in slices like this or in small plastic containers.

Another unusual dessert available here is the Wajik made from glutinous rice grains, coconut milk and brown sugar. I think this variety has added durian in it making it rich and inviting.

Although TTDI's Ramadan Bazaar is quite small compared to Kelana Jaya's Ramadan Bazaar, it does have a pretty good variety. Thumbs up to the yummy Nasi Briyani Johor and Putu Piring which I will definitely be revisiting to try again. It's also a great place to bump into old friends as everyone goes here to get their dinner treat for the day.

Ramadan Bazaar TTDI
Along Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 3 and 4
Taman Tun Dr Ismail
Kuala Lumpur

(The stalls are located at the roadside in front of the construction site for the UDA condominium. If you are coming from the LDP i.e. SS2, go straight till you hit the traffic light, keep left and turn right at the traffic light. If you turn left, you end up heading towards 1 Utama. Keep left and turn at the second turning. You will pass by the Ramadan Bazaar on your right hand side. There are two private car parks on the right hand side and besides AHP Building where Maybank is housed.)

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elb said...

Yum yum yum! I noticed that the eggs looked rather like lo han guo actually...

boo_licious said...

elb - yeah, becoz they look so dark and not marbled like the tea eggs we usually get.

Babe_KL said...

boo, do u happen to recall how much is that kuih bakar? it's getting very expensive these days. i bought before one small wedge for 50 sens!

wmw said...

Yum! Lovely pics! I love the savoury kuih cara (just found out what that is called from you! Thanks) and kuih bakar. I was contemplating going there. Guess, I'll make a trip there ASAP!

MeiyeN said...

Whoaaa...da creme caramel looks good! boo, did u try that? oh by da way, i've tagged you :p

Flower said...

Aiyo Boo, make me very hungry. There is no pasar ramadan here in Perth. I have to cook and make from scratch whatever food I crave to eat. Boo hooo hooo hooo......

Ms One Boobie said...

Aiyoyo.. Boo..!! i miss onde onde so much ah..!!! Alamak.. die now.. gonna be craving for it.. for at least a week.. and making Papa BoK's life miserable.. kekkekkee!!

Rayhana said...

that's him! that's the briyani guy i mentioned in my comment in your first Ramadhaan bazaar posting.
he usually works alone, sometimes with another person helping him out. but during the fasting month, i believe he has many more helpers.
and it IS yummy, not too oily also.

Jen said...

wow, the amount of food available is astounding. I would find it so difficult to restrain myself from being the biggest glutton.
Great photos. I have never tasted popiah but those pics were making mouth water!

Anonymous said...

Ramandan Bazaar is like a Malay hawker food festival for a month.. all these pics look nice, make me drool..

3 Ramandan Bazaar post back to back, are you planning blog all the popular ramandan bazaar huh?

rokh said... neighbourhood! must go! :D

Anonymous said...

The Bangsar bazaar has something called the Rangoon Briyani. I've tried it, but it's a little too oily for my liking though.

Am going to check out Kg Baru this weekend.

cat_aunty said...

Will they finish selling all the food by the evenings? Seems to be a HUGE amount of food!

Sam said...

aiyoyo, boo you positively slay me with your pics and descriptions of all the yummy looking food... can't wait to try the food at the TTDI bazaar!

Hojiak said...

Goshhh...makes me really really hungry!!!

GFAD said...

Wahhh boo...I hadn't planned to visit any ramadhan bazaar this year, but looking at your pictures...*drool*..I must pay a visit to one soon!! The kuih bakar is good? I've tried a few which taste very floury and not lemak enough.

Boo, caster sugar and fine sugar mean the same, right? As far as I know, the Govt has set a ceiling price of RM1.55 per kg for fine sugar. Does this mean that a retailer who sells it for RM2.00 a kg is breaking the law??

Anonymous said...

playing the song *killing me softly*

boo_licious said...

babe - no idea abt the kuih bakar. I don't ask unless I intend to buy it.

jackson - no need to eat dinner? Gosh, your office is really working you hard.

flymeng - they will open around 4pm and sell up to buka puasa time which is 7pm. Sometimes if business is good, they can even go off early.

wmw - happy eating!

mei yen - I love creme caramel too. Was very tempting that day but decided to go for putu piring instead.

flower and mama bok - sorry! torture for you guys overseas.

rayhana - yeah, he had a bevy of people helping him. One of the fellas was his younger brother.

jenjen - must resist or else too many packages and difficult to carry home.

whistler - I usually cover them asap hence people will know what to expect as they will be visiting these places soon.

rokh - yeah, it's just down the road from yr hse.

tigerjoe - aaah, I wanted to go Bangsar yesterday but because of work had to do Section 14 instead as it would have been super jam packed by the time I got to Bangsar. Kg Baru sounds good. Was thinking of that this wkend too. so many to choose from that it's scary.

cat aunty - yeah, sometimes they finish and sometimes they don't!

sam - the TTDI one is pretty good esp if you love briyani.

ho jiak - quick, book ticket to KL.

kat - think they mean the same thing. There's really a sugar shortage, even the bake shops have run out of it.

kris - thought it should be Eat It by that Weird Al chap playing instead?

leomitra said...

i simply love your sit... an ardent fan i should say. can i link u from my site please.

boo_licious said...

leomitra - no problems on linking! Thxs so much and sorry for the late reply.

Anonymous said...

a must place to visit every year! so many choice of kuih .. yummy!!

Theainslee said...

Siapa tahu no phone abg zakri pulut udang tu? Tq

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