Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ramadan Bazaar @ Section 14/28, PJ

Yesterday I decided to try out a Ramadan Bazaar that is pretty small but carries quite a few memories for me since it's one I have been familiar with since school days. I used to visit this place for Putu Piring but sadly the man who used to sell here is no longer trading here. Last year, it was the
first Ramadan Bazaar I visited which led to this intensive coverage of the bazaars in town.

The first thing that greets you when you reach the bazaar is a long queue of people who are patiently waiting for this man to roll his famous popiah basah. Usually he has his stall at the Medan Selera just up the road but during Ramadan, you can only find him here. I have tasted his popiah at the Medan Selera before and it's yummy and one of the few in town that has prawns in it.

The bazaar is quite small with stalls that flank the road, Jalan 14/28 and near the playground. Nowadays even the bigger companies have grown aware of the pull of the Ramadan Bazaar crowd as Hong Leong Bank Berhad was there to promote their credit cards! One stall caught my eye as this fella was selling all kinds of interesting kuih and savoury items like this pulut serunding which is basically made from glutinous rice and sprinkled with savoury and spicy beef shreds.

Another simple savoury item which is popular among everyone is the roti sambal. It's just plain buns that has a sambal filling.

It's interesting to also observe what is popular at this bazaar and I reckon it's soups as I counted a few stalls that were rivalling for customers. This particular one was huge with a large selection of soups from the Northern state like sup gearbox, sup tulang and mee sup. I also liked how they decorated their stall with bunches of celery and coriander hanging from the top which is also used as a topping for the soup.

So far out of all the bazaars I have visited this year, this is the first time I am seeing Ketupat Daun Palas which is usually made for the Hari Raya celebrations. This particular ketupat is rolled with palm leaves and it has a sticky glutinous rice filling.

The same stall was also selling ketupat that we usually get whenever you eat satay. You can either eat this with curry, satay or if you fancy, serunding which was also available at this stall.

Last year I featured this ikan bakar stall which I understand is related to one of the famous stalls from Jalan Bellamy. I was tempted to try this for dinner last night but the queue was quite long hence I decided to try something else instead. However the smell of the fish grilling on the hot plate was really tempting.

Drinks are extremely important during Ramadan as you need lots of liquids or else you will dehydrate. Although you get lots of colourful drinks at these bazaars, I usually prefer the more natural ones like coconut juice from young coconuts or sugar cane juice.

This guy was happy to pose for me while he was manning the grill for the ayam percik stall. Huge plumes of smoke was coming out from their stall that you can't miss it.

After it's grilled, it's coated in a sweet and spicy sauce. Although I like ayam percik, I usually don't get any because till todate, I have to find any nice ones. Looking at this picture, I reckon it's time to search for a nice ayam percik stall in my next few Ramadan Bazaars.

This is the only Ramadan Bazaar which is selling Nasi Minang. They have a selection of curries you can choose from including Gulai Kawah. I actually had my dinner here and it was pretty good. Sadly they didn't have any tunjang which is my favourite.

You can usually get all kinds of jellies at the kuih stalls but this one must be the most colourful I have come across so far. The colours are positively psychedelic with their swirls.

I love these green and white kuih known as Seri Ayu. They're actually spongy with a hint of pandan and grated coconut.

Not sure whether this is a traditional Malay kuih but it was pretty unusual to find it at the kuih stall - deep fried sesame balls which is more of a Chinese sweet. The kuih stalls here were doing booming business. One stall located in front was already packing up as their kuih had finished even though it was just 5.30 pm. It's advisable to get there early or else the popular items will run out quickly.

Ramadan Bazaar
Located along Jalan 14/28
Starts from opposite Utusan Melayu until the playground
Section 14, Petaling Jaya

(If you are coming from Jaya supermarket, turn right where the new Digital Mall is and drive straight down. You will see the stalls on your left hand side, just before Right Angle's shophouses. There is a mosque on the right hand side. Parking is quite haphazard and limited around this area.)

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cat_aunty said...

Dear Boo

do you use zoom lens or you ask the stall owners' permission before you take the photos? Are they OK about it?

boo_licious said...

cat aunty - I usually ask them if I can take pixs and most stall owners don't mind me taking pixs as they are happy for any kind of exposure. Just like that fella who posed for me. Are people in Spore annoyed if you take pixs?

Olive Poppy said...

You're making me drooling over all the kuih's! That's the one thing I love most about Ramadan month.

Btw, thanks for dropping by my site. :)

Babe_KL said...

goodness another 27 days to tahan all these delicious stuff on yr blog haha

Unknown said...

wah u very diligent in fighting the jam and looking for parking at these places

Flower said...

Very painful for me to look and have been very busy wiping my drools off the keyboards everytime I visit your blog.

Anonymous said...

I think parking is usually the main constraint to visiting a Ramadan Bazaar.

The ones at TTDI and Bangsar are fortunate to be within walking distance of parking facilities, and Kg Baru is easily accessible by LRT. For the other Ramadan Bazaars, a tip on where to park might actually be useful.

Those who are thinking of going to the Bangsar Bazaar will want to stay away from parking at Jolly Green, as your egress will be impeded by the crowds visiting the bazaar. Bangsar Village is nearby, but I normally park at the seafood restaurant at the bottom of One Bangsar. It's RM2 an hour and there is usually plenty of parking space. The walk is longer, but one's getaway will not be blocked.

Extra-long comment, my apologies.

Collecting Moments said...

Boo, Have u been goin to ramadan bazaar everyday? :D

Gosh, I have so much updates to do.. didnt realise I've been missing out so many blogs! If only I have 36 hours a day.....

yoh, the ayam percik looks so juicy!

cat_aunty said...

Erm, I not sure lah. I personally don't like to have my photos taken, so I feel a bit pai say when I am doing it to other humans. Cats are normally ok about it lah

Pinkity said...

Goodness, this one's near my office! Means working late night made easier with delish dinners.. Though most of the time I rather wait till the buka time is over to stand in line as I don't think it's nice to make the Muslims wait longer in line when I order about 5 pieces of ayam percik...

Just wondering, is it just me or should we let the Muslims go first? I would :)

boo_licious said...

miss mall - yup, lots of sweet kuihs. Definitely no sugar shortage here.

babe - don't worry, it will stop soon.

lanatir - sometimes quite easy to find esp if you know where to park.

flower - sorry! torture for all of you overseas.

tigerjoe - thxs for the parking tips. I didn't read it earlier on but I did park at Bsar Village. Just RM1.50 if you come out quickly.

honey star - ayam percik looks sticky and yummy. Found yummy one in Bangsar.

cat aunty - yeah, I hate people taking my pixs also.

pinkity - it's up to you if you let them go ahead as they have to rush back home. Seen some inconsiderate people buy the food and eat there even i.e. walk around the stalls while chomping on their food.

Flower said...

As a Muslim I do not mind queueing for my food to buy for my buka puasa. But there is one incident in Subang Jaya last year, that this lady was cutting queue just to get her choices cut of ayam goreng. I thought that was inconsiderate to everyone regardless you are Muslim or not.

boo_licious said...

flower - that's terrible. Can't stand queue cutters and that's worst to take advantage when people are all trying to get home early to break fast.

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