Hello world!
This is Boo the cat, blogging for the first time on Weekend Cat Blogging(WCB) where cat food bloggers unite every weekend and share photos of their gorgeous kitties with us! If you would like to be included, just leave me a comment with your permalink! and add a "weekend cat blogging" tag to your post!If you would like to participate in those waggy tail creatures, WDB 8 (Weekend Dog Blogging) please go visit the Auntie Sweetnicks and send her an email!
I am so excited on my world debut that I could not sleep the whole night. That is why I woke up early to start on my WCB entry, hope Mum does not hear me booting up the computer in the study and tapping on the keyboard with my paws.
This weekend, Mum is a real meanie. She didn't take any pictures of me in my cutest splendour for my world debut (she mentioned something like, it is good enough you are writing this weekend). I think she is jealous as she left me this picture of her holding a handful of kittens we don't even own! They are the neighbour's kitties which we are babysitting for the week since it's a long holiday here. Luckily they live in the other house as I would have snarled at them since they tried to take my limelight. Mum claims they are super cute - I don't understand her, don't she know I am the super cutest kitty in the world. Don't worry, I will try and persuade Mum with lots of meowing and adorable looks to her to take a nice picture of me this weekend which I will post later.

I did it! I got Mum to take pixs of me - here I am at the computer keying in my friends' details and replying comments.

Yawn! This is hard work, tapping on the keyboard. Time to take a breakie.

I wonder how Kiri is at his grandparents' place while Auntie Clare goes for her wedding party. Hope he is having a rip roaring time sniffing out those new places. My kitty friends from all over the world have started sending in their pictures, so please do visit them.

I did it! I got Mum to take pixs of me - here I am at the computer keying in my friends' details and replying comments.

Yawn! This is hard work, tapping on the keyboard. Time to take a breakie.

I wonder how Kiri is at his grandparents' place while Auntie Clare goes for her wedding party. Hope he is having a rip roaring time sniffing out those new places. My kitty friends from all over the world have started sending in their pictures, so please do visit them.
- Check out Babe's patchwork kitties at Babe in the City - KL;
- Check out Macroom who has found a great place to sleep at Dispensing Happiness;
- Check out Bella and Tasha's cute sleeping habits at A Few of My Favourite Things;
- Check out sleepy Lucky, the tuxedo cat at the Countess.;
- Lady is checking out the neighbour's kitties this weekend at Middle Fork;
- Check out baby Rima playing hide and seek at Les Carnets de sbmarie;
- Check out Guido with his hot green eyes at Slowly She Turned;
- Check out Gigolokitty whipping up a love potion at Gigolokitty!;
- Check out Aggie doing a supermodel pose at Kayaksoup;
- Check out Rita and Stuart during laundry day at Belly Timber;
- Check out Edith whose tongue is showing some action at Anne's Food;
- Check out the snow princess Lixue eyeing those birdies at Look Hunny, I Cooked;
- Check out Pixel and Billy Lee over at the food pornographer;
- Check out Barbara's kitties' true confessions at Tigers & Strawberries;
- Check out Boots busting tires at Heather's Space;
- Check out Ike and Abe sharing a stool in the Restaurant Widow;
- Check out Bussi and Lyle having a slumber party at Basic Juice;
- Check out Le Petit Tigre who loves yoghurt at Lali et Cie;
- Check out New Cat sitting at the side of the veggie bed (not in it) at Farmgirl Fare;
- Check out Libby joining us from Shelli's Sentiments; and
- Check out Max who is a cyber kitty like me from passionatenonchalance
Lotsa love, hugs and meow kisses
Boo the cat
P/s I will be sneaking to the computer throughout the weekend to update my friend's pictures as and when they come in.
Here's Lady and One of the New Neighbor Kitties He's a feisty little devil.
Soooo cute! That made me think I had photos of my Rima when she was a kitty, soooome time ago. Check out Rima la Parisienne at 2 months old in Les carnets de sbmarie http://sbmarie.over-blog.com
here's a picture of my lovie cuddly sultry Guido.
The Gigolokitty finds the recipe for a love potion and tests it on his admirers.....
Oops! The link for the Love Potion is
Hi! Cute kitties, I'll take the ginger one.
Here is Aggie, striking a pose.
Thank you for hosting!
Hey, Boo! I know it's hard to forgive your owner for putting up such a cute kitty picture instead of a shot of your gorgeous self, but do try. Mine did the same to me this week, and I have to sit on the sidelines while people admire Rita and Stuart, two kitties who haven't been around these parts in over a decade! I'll get over it some day...
--The Cat
Hi! Oh, weird, where did I just comment..? Well, here's our permalink for this week! :)
Meet Edith, who just turned two, here:
oh look at the row of kittens!! you just want to dip them in honey and eat them because they are so cute lol
this week Lixue the pretty snow princess is posing for everyone
Uncle Art - I hope Lady likes her new friends.
Auntie Marie - Rima reminds of me when I was a baby.
Auntie Laurie - Guido melts my heart with his lovely green eyes.
Gigolokitty - I don't need a love potion, I am too cute already.
Auntie Linda - can Aggie teach me to become a supermodel?
Auntie Rabbit - I am not sneaky this weekend. Mum gave me permission to play with the pc.
The Cat - So sad, but we will get our revenge on them soon...
Auntie Anne - don't worry, I got edith's lovely picture.
Auntie Cin - thanks so much. I love Bella and Tasha too.
Auntie Catesa - when I grow up, I want to be as lovely and regal as Lixue.
Auntie Barbara - you are scary, so many kitty confessions. I better not confess to you or Mum will know my secrets.
Lots of love
Boo the cat
Checking in for this weekends cat blogging here! You can see Boots here...
Have a great weekend!
Oh. My. Cute. It is very dangerous for me to look at cute kittens! Then I want more. Here's mine for the week:
Auntie Heather - Boots looks like a tough kitty. I like!
Auntie Lisa - They are cute but I am cuter, see my new pictures. Luckily Mum did not take my butt or else, you will laugh at how big it is.
Lots of love
Boo the cat
Hi Boo,
Hmmmm. Something fishy is going on here. We left you a comment yesterday about 12pm our time, right after we put up the pic of New Cat NOT being bad. : ) Left it right here with the links and everything. Though I did notice that a few hours later, I could not get ANY Blogger blogs to open, so who knows. I think Blogger is getting overloaded or something. I also have noticed that when Blogger bloggers have their comment box open in a separate window, (for me at least) it takes LONG time for the box to open. Like several minutes sometimes. There are many blogs where I want to leave comments but have too much trouble trying to get the box to open.
Anyway, I apologize for making you hunt down our link! We were right over here, looking at those kittens (kittens are so over-rated, by the way : ) and wondering where the pictures of The Rug were! Yay! MUCH better than silly kittens. : )
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Great job with WCB! Meow!
Auntie Susan - don't worry, I think Blogger did some work on their sites so things were chaotic. Wow, you love my pixs! Yippee, you must be my big fan and you even know my Mum's nickname for me. Mucha gracias.
Auntie Shelly - A little bit problem only, no picture of Libby but I am sure you will fix that in no time.
Lots of love
Boo the cat
All those kitties are soooo cute!!!
auntie aria - yippee for cyberkitties! I must add Max to my online buddy.
Auntie rosa - yucks! I am cuter. Where are your kitties this weekend?
Lots of love
Boo the cat
Hi Boo_licious,
Since I don't own a digital camera, my kitty pictures are a little rare so I have to spare them!...
But, I promise, this weekend you'll see them again.
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