I'm not too sure who's hosting this weekend but since I have an adorable picture of my grey and white kitty playing hide in the box, I thought it should be shared.
This fella recently discovered the secret stash of Friskies packed in boxes hence he had fun time hiding in the empty box. Took him a while to realise, it was easy to get in but hard to escape from it since it was quite deep. The Friskies is for the strays who have been lapping the free food like they're candies. Luckily we have this stash which we won in a competition or else feeding the strays would definitely take a toll on the wallet especially since the family of strays are forever expanding!
Once I do find out who's hosting this weekend, I'll put up the link to the WCB Round Up. In the meanwhile, have a good weekend and yeah, Chinese New Year is just round the corner so tomorrow will see more postings even though it's the weekend.
Updated: Kitchen Mage is stepping in with a roundup so leave your links there!
what is it with cats and boxes?
Nobody is hosting this week apparently, so I put up a post here and am inviting people to post their links.
kitchenmage - thxs so much! Kitties just love boxes, mine just got a new batch from all the mandarin oranges and they seem to be testing each box out every nite.
zoey - yeah, we have resolved to round them up and do the deed but this batch was born and conceived before we started taking care of them. Was also looking at the Govt Clinics to see which one was better. Now waiting for the kittens to be slightly older and weaned before we capture the mummies.
Your kitty is so cute and smart! Is that why kitties like boxes? Are they remembering the "stash" of free food? What a great photo.
Cats are nosy little devils!!! He looks very sweet...
kitikata-san - I think he could smell the food hence he want for a dive in the box.
rosa- thxs! This fella is always a super sweetie although he's giving a hard time to his sister.
That's a great photo! :) He looks wonderful in that box! :)
oh yeah we love boxes too!! everytime we can find one especially Othello occupies it within seconds and plays for hours ...
the pic is so cute - as all yout pics are!
You always have such pretty kitty pictures! My cats also love boxes, especially Willow!
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