Lots of fantastic food plus Chinese New Year ones to get us in the mood....
Chinese New Year
Have you gotten ready for Chinese New Year? If not, what are you waiting for as it's just round the corner. Have you made your peanut cookies? Don't worry, Lilian from Malaysia Best has a simple step by step recipe for you to try out. She also has a great idea for unconventional reunion dinner - steamboat that sounds fantastic.

Malaysia Best's Peanut Cookies
Chinese New Year
Have you gotten ready for Chinese New Year? If not, what are you waiting for as it's just round the corner. Have you made your peanut cookies? Don't worry, Lilian from Malaysia Best has a simple step by step recipe for you to try out. She also has a great idea for unconventional reunion dinner - steamboat that sounds fantastic.

Malaysia Best's Peanut Cookies
Foodcrazee wowed us all with his detailed explaination on all the ingredients on Yee Sang. Amazing stuff and thanks for the great effort you put in gathering the information. EatingAsia also gets into the Chinese New Year mood with their goodies from kind friends. I can't wait to see the demonstration on how they make waxed meats as that will be one of the kind.
Besides the goodies, don't forget to decorate the house with Chinese New Year decorations. Wu Ching from the Journal of the Whills gave us a peek into how the Australian Vietnamese celebrates the festive season and it looks really nice. For some lion dance action, check Month of May who brings us the wooden house in KLCC and the lion dance performance.
Kitchen Stories
You can always count on Lilian from Malaysia Best for innovative recipes and she has Crispy Surimi and Seafood Springrolls that will satisfy any tummy. Bujang Lapuk Abroad finds pork chop and apple sauce to be a weird combination but I love it - reminds me of Colliseum Cafe's roast pork with apple sauce. Alicia from Some1's Voice Out There made her version of baked tiger prawns with cheese that sounds really simple to make.
Shawn of Away from Home is back at the stove, cooking up Kampung Fried Rice from his family's recipe. If that's not your thing, how about peppered steak and bake mushrooms? I'll take some as I love mushrooms. Babe in the City made Roast Chicken with vegetables for her cute son who demolished the whole chicken thigh by himself. Elb's hovel of thoughts made salt crusted baked duck breast that looks fantastic. Amazing how a little salt can help crisp up that skin. The northern rabbit is busy with work but she made time to cook up this jiffy tom yam fried rice. Greenapple from My felicity corner makes Japchae, something new to me which looks easy to cook up.

Elb's Hovel of Thoughts' Salt Crusted Baked Duck
Fatboybakes from Have Your Cake and Eat It Too has been steadily filling up tummies with his delicious sounding Rugelach. If you want something tangy, how about the Lemon Delicious Pudding that is simple to make? Just Heavenly went macaroon crazy for Hay! Hay! It's Donna Day and made three versions: chocolate macaroons, cherry macaroons and cinnamon honey macaroons. Swee also made a yummy Temptation Oreo Cheesecake that will definitely make Rachel of Tham Jiak's friend really happy as he loves cheesecakes. If you are feeling lazy to bake the cheesecake, try Leng Mou's student cheesecake that is so simple to make with a few ingredients.
Eats around the city
Wingz from Everibodi Lafu Rojaks highly recommends us to Paradisso Italiano in Taman Danau Desa. Even the kid gave it thumbs up. KY Speaks introduces us to Nong and Jimmy Thai BBQ Seafood where food is cheap and good! I've heard rave reviews of this place before and after looking at KY's pictures, I am dying to go try them. He also brings us Braised Duck Rice from PJ State - it's been years since I ate at that place, it still looks great. Alicia from Some1's Voice Out There also ate a similar braised duck. Shaolin Tiger gave the thumbs down to the Curry Laksa from Uncle Lim's Kopitiam in Ikano Power Centre. Julie the biscuit is back with Kluang Station Kopitiam review.

KY Speaks' Nong & Jimmy Seafood Pictures
Noodles and gravy to me are a match made in heaven as I love them both. EatingAsia introduces us to Jalan Alor's Beef Noodles that has me drooling over. They also enjoyed the addictive but healing Bak Kut Teh in Klang and Kuantan. Wyejon from Wantan Productions reviews Kong Kee in Puchong and found it pretty good. He also mentions that Puchong is a terrible place for food - bit sad as there are loads of Chinese eateries there. Aprilcherrie is famous - she's in a restaurant's website for a review she wrote. I like how this restaurant, Umai-Ya seems to be aware of bloggers review of their food. She also eats at Sushi King which is having a special scallop promotion. Babe in the City introduces us to Char Kuay Teow from Tengkat Tungshin that looks sinfully good. Pam from Foodyumz ate at May Xichuan in Damansara Perdana as the food is so good there.
Duck seems to be the thing last week and Good Food....Good Life! talks about his experience with a crisp roast duck from Loong Foong in Paramount. He also recommends us a pork noodle stall in Subang Jaya. If he adds the address, I can visit the place as it sounds good. Makan Kings eats Beard Papa's cream puffs and found it just a bit dry but the cream to be heavenly. Sixthseal tried out the new Burger King Greek Lamb burger and loved it. Looks like I should make a trip to my nearby Burger King for a taste of it.
Eats far away from the city
KampungboyCitygal has the Citygal posting last week with Kampungboy back in his hometown and she brings us Ipoh eats at Koh Samui and Old Town Kopitiam. I wonder if this is the same Old Town Kopitiam that has sprouted like mushrooms after a heavy rainfall all over the Klang Valley. After visiting Ipoh, do pop over to Cameron Highlands for a spot of tea and clean air far far away from the city as recommended by Good Food...Good Life!
If you are visiting Sibu, Robin has this little food guide for you to try out all their must haves. The special three layer Teh C Peng looks really good.

Robin's Three Layer Teh C Peng
Sixthseal brings us Japanese food in Kuching - everything looks fantastic and now my tummy is rumbling for some of that yummy food too. The Makan Kings are back after a long holiday and they bring us Taiwan eats from the markets. Feast your eyes on the goodies. He also ate at the famous Ting Tai Fong which just did not impress him much. For something nearer, how about indulging in noodles from Thailand, one of my favourite cities? EatingAsia introduces us to Kanom Jeen and Kanom Chine, favourite spots of her's for those Thai noodles that always hit the right spot. Sigh! How I wish I was back in Thailand.
* I have borrowed the pictures from the respective blogs. If you object to this, please drop me a comment and I will remove it.
Tagged with: Malaysian Food
wuahhh respek man !!! you one post can put in so many blogs n topics
wingz - rojak blog entry!
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