still so incredibly good - Milo Ais from the van
Mention Milo and I immediately think back to my childhood days - queueing up in the hot sun during sports day to drink the icy cold frothy drink. It tasted so incredibly good that I often wonder, was it just a figment of my childhood imagination??

1. Milo is good for you, 2. Milo on the tap! 3. Stirring the ice around

1. Milo is good for you, 2. Milo on the tap! 3. Stirring the ice around
Last week, I had a chance to relive my childhood memories as I spotted the Milo Van making its rounds (they're doing it in support of our Malaysian contingent for the SEA Games for Dec 9-18). It brought a big smile immediately. A taste of the frothy icy drink brought back a flood of sweet memories for me. Amazing! It still tasted just as good as I remembered - a rich chocolatey taste that was not too sweet and chilled just right. Honestly, nothing beats the ice Milo (Milo Ais) from the van I reckon. Not sure what their secret is but I'm glad some things never change in life like the incredibly good Milo Ais from my childhood days.
For this Friday, why don't you share what's your memory about drinking from the Milo Van? Of if you never had that experience, where's your best ever Milo drink? It could even be your own home concoction or somewhere you drank it at?
Definitely the Milo van!
I remember trying very hard to get extra coupons for Milo during sports day, so usually being in the committee or taking part in marching tend to work!
I wonder what is their secret with the Milo van...
I left school in 1980 and I still remember the Milo from the van. Recent versions of Vico, Milo Fuze, various choco-malts just can't compare.
Ah. The beloved Milo van - it was always such a treat (looong ago, in my school days..)
It's funny though - everyone think that there's some magical secret recipe, which is not the case. My friend in Nestle said that they share recipe and instructions with anyone who asks but for some reason they complain that it doesn't taste the same... :)
School's sports days are never the same without the Milo van. The milo's so good that no matter how we make it it's never the same. I bet you there's ganja in there.
When I was in primary school in the 70s, the Milo van showed up once every few months. The Milo was delicious and silky. Much better than the Milo I made at home. I think the secret is the type of milk they used.
There is a club at my university that occasionally sells "milo dinosaurs" as a fund raiser. Just the idea of putting MORE milo powder ontop of milo makes me laugh so much I have to buy one every time.
Wow this is like walking down memory lane. I remembered that when the Milo van comes to the school, I would rush for a cup and after that, I'll get back in line and get another one. Until I'm fully bloated! Dunno why but the milo from the milo van tasted better than those made from home or at mamak.
i miss my school's sport day a lot!!! used to march, carry the bendera for the prefect house and drank a lot of milo ice after that :))))) wheeeeeeeee
i think sports day is usually associated with this kind of milo..
its kinda true how good it tastes..
to me, its significantly sweeter than i would drink at home (because ours is usually kosong with milk)
Agree! Ice Milo from the Milo Van is always the BEST!!
I missed the old days.....xpecially Ice MILO from MILO VAN....time sukan sekolah jer ada.
i remember the old school days when the milo van came to school, the taste is super best. nostalgic
Oh the milo van ! that was a long long time ago
Oh! I just had this yest at Sri Pentas! Yummy!
Exactly! Nothing beats from the van. The one in box pun tak sama and I tried to do my own version pun tak jadi hehe
now you conjured up sweet memories of me lining up eagerly for the free Milo! ah, a post to be? mmmmm..
i kinda remember preferring ovaltine instead =)
at home, i never bothered mixing my milo/ovaltine with water or other ingredients. i just scooped it out of the can into the cup, and ate it like that. lurved it :D
Loved the milo van. But our fave now is the MILO Dinasour @ Papa Rich Restaurant. Sodap! :)
Milo Van's version is nothing compared to what my dad prepared for me every morning (never fails) during my schooldays... because it lack something that my dad's version provided... LOVE!!!
Right now I still ask my dad to bancuh a glass for me everytime there's opportunity :) hahahah... i know, i know.. so old already still ask ur dad to bancuh?? No choice la... with him, sometimes I feel like being a child!
milo from the milo van taste good as i think it is a different recipe...i think they don't use powdered milo, but rather the liquid milo form which taste better. some of the vending machine have that recipe - using the liquid milo form
Milo vans where there for most swim meets/athletic meets that I used to take part in while still in school. But I have this averse reaction to ice milo...bad tummy ache after..Hahah, that never stopped me from having a glass or two of the ganja milo ;)
some say the secret is SANTAN. duno how true is that :D
Boo....I remember how happy I was whenever I saw the Milo van at my school. The marginal utility of taking that first sip never changes till today, it's still a great feeling. Only while as a kid, that small cup would have suffice but now as an adult - one just ain't enough! Hahaha...
What a cool scoop! The rich tasting beverage has to do with the water temperature during blending something like 76 C and lots of milo powder. Remember asking the man in the van. Any confirmation?
this post definitely reminded me of my younger days. we would queue up during sports day to have this cute milo drink! they somehow tasted... yummier! ;)
Now the have Milo with fresh milk sold in supermarkets at the fresh milk section (chiller section). But the stock is not very reliable. That's the closest to the Milo van ones methinks!
nileey - I wish I knew the secret too! Ah, I remember that, coupons which I used to beg from friends to give me so I'll have extra Milo to drink.
sh - not had the new versions, as for me, Milo is always the best.
J - maybe it's the whole combo of heat and the anticipation, hence it tastes different from the ones we order from the mamak man?
qwazymonkey - hee hee, ganja to get us hooked on it and remember through the times.
Meng - could be the creamer they use, since we usually use fresh milk rite?
Aariq - milo dinosaurs are awesome. Loads and loads of milo to satisfy any fan.
Such a van dropped in on a company activity I attended and golly, everyone including the top guns were queueing again & again for rounds of it!
eiling - I did that just recently, had to get enough till I was bloated and satisfied.
ai wei - greatest reward ever esp after working so hard in the hot sun!
Joe - I drink it without milk too but somehow the combo with the ice in the van is silky smooth and so yummy.
Hi Five! Jean! It's the best!
notti netti - I think nowadays they have it for special races and occasions, so maybe you can catch it again and relive the memories.
wilson & rachel - nothing beats the taste.
3 hungry tummies - yeah, I nvr thot I'll see one again hence I was so happy to bump into one last wk.
nomadgourmand - u lucky gal!
Aan Aedes - wonder what's the secret!
rokh - time to chase the Milo van. Too bad I don't hve their schedule or else, I can imagine everyone rushing there.
Sean - wow, that is the ultimate treat. Ovaltine nvr did it for me though but my mother fondly remembers olden days when she'll have a hot ovaltine mixed with a raw egg for brekkie.
lanostzz - really??? Oooh, must give that a try sometime. Thxs for the tip.
Leo - awww, that is such a sweet story. Yup, anything made with love is always sweeter. Lucky boy, with Dad-made Milo and home cooked meals by Mum!
patch crazy mags - wow, liquid milo is a completely new thing for me. Thxs for that interesting insight.
unkaleong - u lactose intolerant ah? maybe the milk affecting you?
kampungboycitygal - but no taste or smell of coconut?
wmw - hmm, how very true, those small cups are the same size when we're kids.
worldwindows - nope, didn't manage to get it confirmed but interesting theory.
Christine - yeah, such lovely memories of sports day, being tired and revived by the icy Milo.
all jazzed up - ah, I'll look out for those. Thxs for that tip.
Tummythoz - LOL, that was what I also saw. Mercs stopping by, as big bosses were also drinking the Milo.
ahhh, the last time I had was at Najib's open house, gloriousss
KY - LOL, Najib's open hse has Milo. Wow, good reason to drop by and shake his hand.
wow! I'm surprised to know that the milo van tradtion is in Malaysia also!! I studied in Sri Lanka and I do remember how we used to que up to drink that yummy milo from the van! No matter how i try to replicate it at home, can never get the same taste!Hmmm..how come?
WOW.. I miss this milo a lot!!
oooo I remember those days... cool milo from the van! Yessssssssss
princess in love - wow, Sri Lanka has milo vans. Amazing. Thxs for sharing.
Dragon City - yeah, it's the best.
EAdotcom - nothing beats the icy cold drink esp on a hot day.
Drinking Milo from the Milo was one of the best things that happened to me in my teenage years until I lost my virginity.
Love this. The last time I had milo from the van/tap was during football match in Stadium Merdeka, Semi-Pro League and that was a long long time ago.
drinking milo fr milo van is heaven..especially after u r forced 2 enter school marathon..drinking the cold milo is like chocolate malt heaven going down your throat..one day boo u have 2 go 2 kelantan at kota bharu and try dis milo drink called "milo tunggeng"..its so good and da taste is nearly as creamy as the milo van..i mean my family who come back 2 kb once a year will buy this drink nearly everyday..its really2 good..u shud go 2 kelantan one day, try it n blog all about it..:)
The Milo van was at our office... and i had two cups (and i'm all grown up). The Nestle pple gave me the Milo recipe years ago when I interviewed them, must go dig for it in my notebooks.
In Penang, the Milo Van is fixed selling beside the HSBC Bank Beach Street. In KL never see any though.
I miss this!
Strangely enough, I was just telling my hubby about how I miss the Milo from the Milo van as it was the very best. No other mix I've tried is able to match up to it. And here I am chancing upon ur post. Thanks for this post .... I now know so many other share my passion for the beloved Milo van. Lemme know if the Milo van is spotted any where in KL.
email2me - Thanks for the info. Will sure to head to Beach Street when I'm in Penang next. :)
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