
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Chee Cheong Fun @ Section 17, Petaling Jaya

Waking up early has it's advantages especially when it means you get to tuck in to a plate of silky smooth chee cheong fun. It's imperative one arrives here early as the chee cheong fun tends to dissapear fast. In fact, it took me a total of three failed attempts before I managed to successfully score a plate. The steamed rice flour strands are really good stuff especially when paired with the creamy and not too spicy curry sauce.

If you want a more substantial meal, choose from a small selection of yong tau foo like beancurd, fishballs and fishcake to accompany your chee cheong fun. The sweet sauce version is also good especially when sprinkled with lots of crunchy sesame seeds. Like the Jalan Hang Lekir stall, they also do a version with spring onions and dried prawns embedded into the chee cheong fun sheets. However, I kinda prefer the plain ones just paired with the creamy curry sauce.

Tuck Kee Chee Cheong Fun Stall
Restaurant Lucky
Jalan 17/29
Section 17
Petaling Jaya

(Pork Free. Open from 6.45 am to 9.30 am or earlier depending on fast they sell out. Closed on alternate Tuesdays.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from the restaurant for writing this review.


  1. You had me at chee cheong fun.....LOL

  2. I like chee cheong fun in curry sauce whereas my elder sister like it with just a little soy sauce and sesame seeds.

    And again, chee cheong fun has to be eaten with cut green chillies.

  3. i like the plain ones too. now to drag myself out of bed to get to this place early...

  4. Oh it reminds me of my childhood canning garden chee cheong fun in Ipoh. There use to have on in ss2.

  5. i saw chee cheong fun..and i looked back at my tuna sandwich..and sighed..i also want chee cheong fun as breakfast!

  6. i just had my plate of "chee cheung farn" last sunday at pudu hawker stall, not so yummy anymore :( and i definitely will drop by this place to try this yummy looking one!

  7. haha v just got the country version !

  8. how early do i have to get up to get that CCF? U even tried for 3 times!

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I have been following your blog since early of this year and I like the passion that you have for the food that u eat everyday.
    Anyway congratulations coz your blog was featured in NSTP last Sunday. You are really the true gourmet blogger, masak masak rocks man!

  10. I like CCF swimming in curry with a drizzle of the sweet sauce. My fav breakfast on the weekends. Can't get this kind of CCF here ;(

  11. Yeah, really good CCF here. I usually have it plain with soy sauce and green chillies. And then hop over to Wah Cheong for some Tong Kee egg tarts.

  12. wmw - near yr house so u can make it early.

    cat cat - I'm not a fan of green chilies though but I love it with any type of sauce.

    jasmine - I know the feeling, it was drats I'm too late again!

    big boys oven - wonder what happened to that stall? It dissapeared after Lim Mee Yoke was sold off.

    joe - tuna sandwich is good also! Am sure u can find good CCF in Cheras?

    meiyen - awww, really? I love that chee cheong fun there as the curry sauce is nice and smokey plus those crunchy tiny prawns are so wicked.

    team bsg - ah, sounds like good stuff!

    xiu long bao - go abt 8am as it's sold out by 9am plus. Weekends, I can imagine faster as lots of people hang out here for the morning market.

    simple life - *buys paper bag to hide under* thanks!

    icook4fun - I guess only way is to make it at home? Or go to a HK dimsum place?

    kat - sounds like a good combo. Ah, Wah Cheong's egg tarts are also good but somehow I still prefer getting mine down town at Jalan Tun HS Lee since we know the 2 ladies there.

  13. yeah, this particular stall has my approval for this kinda CCF in KL. still crave for my hometown';s version..which is not too distant from this sec17.

    do u know that the wantanmee at this particular shop is also very good? one of my regular

  14. i have not had this for so so so long!

    long long ago, when I was working at TPM, we usually drive to Seri Petaling to eat this!

  15. keropok man - hey, Happy Independence Day! How come you're not up in Msia like the rest of the Sporeans? Ah, glad this brings back good memories for you.
