
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging (WCB) 111

Wake up world! It's Harry Potter day today so flock those bookshops to get your copy. The boy cat ain't bothered about Harry Potter today as you can see him catching up with his sleep instead.

Poor sweetie, he had a bad time last weekend. After a tiff with Mr. Macho stray cat, he was feverish so I had to bring him to the vet. He protested with a loud mew (an amazement as he's usually very quiet). Luckily after lots of loving care from his mum and dad plus a bout of antibiotics applied with a syringe that tasted like strawberries, he was all better by the next day.

This weekend, WCB is hosted by those two sweeties, Kashim and Othello with their mum Astrid at Paulchens Foodblog. Do visit them for cute kitty antics.


  1. Awww he looks so sweet and content in his sleep.
    thanks fpr joining WCB this week!
    purrs annd hugs

  2. A happy sleeping cat! A sweet vision...

  3. Oh dear kitty, sorry mr stray cat got into a tiff with you at your house. Poor kitty.

  4. Very sweet photo. Sorry to hear about the fight with Mr. Stray, but glad that you were feeling better quickly!

  5. meow sweeties - glad to join all of you.

    rosa - I know, sleeping cats are always so angelic.

    kitikata san - it was a short tiff with fur flying everywhere. Luckily I stopped it quickly.

    dragonheart - yes, the perils of keeping an agressive unsterilised male cat around, he just can't help protecting his territory despite how much I try to domesticate it.

  6. u actually tasted the kitty syrup? ;p

    hey, love u're site btw - keep on blogging :)
