When it comes to snapping pictures of the kitty cats, the most difficult is this kitty. Known as the Mama Cat, she's actually Boo the cat's mother. For me, she's the oldest and the dearest since she used to be my dad's cat. One day, she just turned up on our doorstep and my dad took her in. He always thought she was the neighbour's cat who was just hungry hence he fed her. It's only much later when I started taking care of her, I found out she's actually a stray hence I've always kept her.

She hates to pose so getting her to face the camera can take a long time. See how she resists in the first picture. She kinda gave up in the second picture as she knew I was going to hound her until I snapped a decent picture of her.
For more kitty stories and pictures, visit Pet's Garden Blog who is hosting this weekend with her adorable Bengals.
What nice photos of your Mama kitty! Mama kitty is such a lucky kitty to have been taken in by your father and now you! Meow Meow, Kiss Kiss to you and Mama Kitty!
Ahh--thank you for taking the time to get that picture of her for us. I know she is a special cat because she has that history linked to your father. She's a doll!
She is a beautiful mama! Those pictures are really great and her history is interesting...
she's a real beauty! thanks for getting a picture of her and sharing with us ;o)
rosa - thanks and maruschka is asking me to pet her from her pix.
astrid - thanks and I love that expression on Kashim's face during the belly rub and paw rubbing.
Mama Cat is really quite a beauty! And her history is wonderful too - She is lucky she met your dad and you!
sammawow - well, sometimes kitties are lucky I guess to bump into people who love them.
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