It's official - Masak-Masak is now two years old. Wow, time flies and as usual I almost forgot about the blog's birthday. Since last year I celebrated with a Bakerzin cake, I reckon traditions should still continue.
This past year has been interesting with so many food blogs popping up in the blogosphere. Feels like there's a new one everytime I do a Google Blog search on a particular food item or when I scour Project Petaling Street for new updates. There has also been mini gatherings with food bloggers or floggers. Incredibly nice to meet people who think alike - camwhore the food versus themselves! This year to celebrate the blog's second birthday, I decided it should be marked by the first ever food bloggers gathering to be held next week. Hopefully (crosses my fingers and toes) that works out well so look out for reports on that event. It's currently by invitation only since it's just a small event. If it's successful, I guess it has the potential to grow into a public gathering.
Other things to look out for in the blog - I'll be launching an index of the food places I have reviewed; sorted out by area and by food item by end of this month. Hopefully that will mean easier searches for all when you're looking for something to eat.
Thanks so much for reading and supporting Masak-Masak. Pssst, by the way could you also vote for me at the Bloggers Choice Awards. Just click on this link and scroll down the pages to look for the blog. You will need to log in to vote. Sorry for the shameless pimping of votes but mustn't look too shabby among the world's food bloggers.
Yes, pls do those indices...it makes searching easier for ppl like me whom is very lazy to have my own blog but would go all the way to browse thru those food bloggers and taste those food...bravo and keep it up..cheers.
Happy Birthday to Masak-Masak and many many more to come. Oh yes, creating the index would be great!
Happy Birthday! Masak-Masak. Thanks for all the delicious food blog you bring to me, although I am not a food blog but I live food very much especially MALAYSIA food. Your food blog definitely a make a comfort to ppl like me working a board curving for Malaysia food.
Many Many thanks again.
wow...ur blog is now 2 yrs old! An easy-to-search index sounds great to a glutton like me ;)
WOW!!! Time does fly! Happy Blogday! I love your blog and hope to see many more Happy Blogdays from you! Cheers. :):)
Happy Birthday! Why didn't say earlier...I would have sang you a Happy Birthday song for your blog! Ha ha ha
happy birthday masak-masak!! Hope to read more of your food adventures for years to come! :D
-BKT King-
Happy bloganniversary and keep up with the good work!
Pro Pro...even celebrate birthday also with one of the best cake house. Bakerzin.
Keep it up.
Hey! I've been a silent reader of masak-masak for a long long time. Am now in Sydney but still love to check your blog to see all the food I'm missing here! :)
Keep up the good work!
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite food blogs in the world! :)
Wow! Happy Birthday!!!! Yeah, we could have formed a chorus line and sung Happy Birthday to you with all those colourful drinks at Leo's, u know! Heehee. What can I say, u missed out on a great performance, hor wmw and pea?
happy blogiversary and many happy returns
of course have voted!
happy birthday!!..may there be many more years to come.. 3 cheers to the ultimate database of makan place of kl and some say jb!
Yalor Lemongrass, could have asked 2 candles on our gelatos!
Happy, happy birthday and congratulations for doing such a good job over what in the blogosphere is really a long time! Bravo!
Happy Birthday and many more to come! Your site is wonderful!!! And of course, voted for you already!
happy 2nd birthday! am a new flogger and and i do love reading your fabulous blog. makes me wish i was in kl to eat.
guzzebo - no problems. Just hope others don't abuse it.
precious pea - thxs for the well wishes. Happy Birthday to Pea too!
coketai - thxs and hopefully you get to come back to try all the yummy food we have.
xiu long bao - yeah, time flies rite. Snap yr fingers and it's 2 years old.
sher - thxs so much! Give kissies to Upsie and Sundance to me. Must forgive Sundance for his crafty hiding of the harness.
wmw - nah, shy mah! Thanks for the well wishes.
Thxs so much BKT King! Hope we get to meet you one day.
rosa - thxs! Hope I see more of the kitties from you too.
adrian - thanxs. Nah, must keep traditions hence Bakerzin again.
Sarah - thxs for the vote of confidence, hope the blog does not make you miss home too much.
thxs for the nice words, expedited writer!
meena - LOL! So sweet of you. The chorus line sounds good, guess I should have mentioned it but was shy.
thxs sharon for the vote and wishes.
someone who is constantly craving - thxs and don't worry I don't have any yellow rubber boots!
precious pea - LOL! It would have melted it faster to become those stonehenge stumps then.
Thanks so much dorie!
fulltime mom - Thxs for the vote and the well wishes.
the guvnor - keep it up as a new flogger and who knows you may visit KL for a trip.
happy birthday masak masak! has been enjoyable reading your blog since i came across it, keep on posting the good stuff!
Hi Boo,
Just wanna wish your blog Happy 2nd Birthday! I thoroughly enjoyed all your posts and congratulations for having such a wonderful & comprehensive food guide, especially for us living out of Malaysia!
I hope you win the Bloggers'Choice Awards!
Happy Birthday to Masak-Masak, Boo.
I've surely enjoyed your posts since i started reading it and I'm sure there will be many more years, if not decades, to come. :)
happy birthday masak-masak and congrats boo. i've never skipped an article since i started reading u :)
sc - thxs! Keep up the good work on yr side too.
lengx2 - thxs and glad you like the blog. I doubt I'll win, definitely way below the other food bloggers.
platinum - wow, decades! Not sure if the blog can last that long. Thanks so much for the confidence and the well wishes.
happy birthday boo!
your blog has opened a new dimension to my makan-ing :-)
happy belated birthday to "masak-masak"..... !!!!!!!!
happy belated blog burpday!!!! keep the good food coming...
wmw, pea & lemongrass, we can all sing happy burpday to masak-masak this friday :p
Happy Birthday to your blog. Yep, an index would be great since your blog is like a bible for local best eats! ;) Looking forward to it!
Congrats on your 2 year anniversary! I remember you celebrating it with a Bakerzin slice last year too :D All the best, and hope we'll get to see more wonderful reviews from you.
wye jon - wow, you're a faithful reader. Hope it helps you.
what a lulu - hope the tips turned out well.
meiyen - thxs so much.
babe - thxs. Aiks, no birthday song pls.
mycoffee - thxs and yeah, I think I also need it to track the places.
izad - thxs so much. Was lazy to bake a cake hence settled for Bakerzin.
Many Happy Returns! You are doing a fantastic job with the blog Boo.. You got my vote for the Best Food Blog. masak masak is my fav food blog evar! :D
I'm a bit late Boo but Congratulations on your 2nd Anniversary! If you could only see the little black book I've filled of places to eat in KL if I ever get there because of your blog... Again, congrats!
happy birthday.. the index is more than welcome :)
happy birthday to masak2!!
I love this blog so much
thanks for giving such nice entries :)
sorry if this is too late. Happy Birthday! masak-masak always my best food guide!
hope this is not too late too!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY masak-masak!! So fast another year already! feels like just recently i read about your 1st year anniversary. :D Congrats!!!
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