
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Grilled Tofu (Tauhu Bakar) @ Jalan Sayur, Pudu, Kuala Lumpur

Last weekend, we played host to Roger and Sue from Food Tourist who were here for a short visit. After cracking our heads on where to eat, we ended up at Sek Yuen for dinner which was packed with diners on Saturday night. No pictures of what we ate since we ordered old favourites from previous visits. After dinner, we took a walk to the nearby "Wai Sik Kai" or Gluttons Lane at Jalan Sayur.

The last time I visited, we didn't get to visit all the stalls so this time round I saw the lok lok stall (one of those old ones which you sit down and eat), ling chee kang (dessert) stall, chee chap chuk (fried intestines porridge) and the grilled tofu (tauhu bakar) stall.

I was keen to try this grilled tofu (tauhu bakar) which I have heard a lot about. Covered extensively by the local press - this stall has been featured in the chinese paper, radio and television.

A small set up, there's just two people at the stall. One who is manning the hot charcoal grill to heat up the fritters and grill the tofu puffs. The owner, a lady who has had this stall for almost twenty years plus will prepare the grilled items to serve. First, the grilled tofu puffs are stuffed with shredded cucumber. Then drizzled with her own made chili sauce and topped with thick and pungent prawn paste (har koh) and crushed peanuts. She also serves tiny grilled sotong drizzled with more har koh and crispy prawn fritters on the side. A standard order with all these costs RM6. Tastewise, I thought it was pretty good but not fantastic. I still prefer the curry chee cheong fun topped with those crispy dried shrimps and the steamed egg custard here instead per my previous reviews.

Other reviews of Jalan Sayur:

Grilled Tofu (Tauhu Bakar) Stall
Jalan Sayur
Off Jalan Pudu
Pudu, Kuala Lumpur

(Non Halal. Stall is open at night only.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from the restaurant for writing this review.

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  1. I have yet to visit this Waisikkai place. Looks like there is a good variety of yummy food here. I hv to make a trip here soon, just based on ur chee cheong fun recommendation.

  2.'s called Jalan Sayur ar..hehe i only refer it as PUDU wai sik kai. Anyway...the tofu not bad, just the right size to pop everything in the mouth at one go. But i prefers Hoi Peng's version in SS2.

  3. i heard that this stall came out in da chinese paper hence it has become so famous now! we tried it out last september and i remember that we had da mixed version which costed us rm 10!!!!! O_o no doubt, cheecheungfarn still da best! :D

  4. Haven't tried this before. Isn't it like 'tuahu sumbat'?
    I never have luck with that lok-lok stall. Either I was too early, it was its off day or I just happen to be with friend(s) who thinks it is unhygienic. *sigh*

  5. lemongrass - the chee cheong fun is different from YHK, not so soft and the curry is thicker with less coconut milk. The topping is also not as flaky as the one in YHK as it's tiny fried whole shrimps. Suspect the one in YHK has been crushed.

    precious pea - must admit yet to try Hoi Peng's version as we only ate crabs there long ago.

    meiyen - yes, she's very famous per my discussions with the stall owner. Mine had everything also but was RM6.

    tummythoz - Well, it's definitely open on Sat nite so maybe you want to make a return trip there.

  6. Tauhu bakar!my fave :)

    Btw, is reservation a must when dining @ sek yuen?

  7. xiu long bao - if you want to sit at the non aircond side, yes as it was packed. The aircond side was available but it's noisy since it's enclosed.

  8. I visits this Wai Sik Kai at least once a week for the first 20 years of my life..but never try this tauhu bakar before. But yea, my favourite food there would be the curry chee cheong fun, the "dan tan" (egg mustard), Canton char koey teow, and the "Char Tau Keoy". ;-)

  9. tankiasu - dunno, that's what the lady told me. Maybe she meant she was in business for so long and she could have shifted there from somewhere. The curry chee cheong fun is extremely good even though he does not make his own chee cheong fun but his curry sauce makes the difference.

  10. Yumyumyum! Love taufu bakar! Did you try the fritters too? They look really good!

  11. pink elle - yup, the tauhu bakar comes with fritters and the sotong too.

  12. have been there a few times for the tong sui (i like the steamed egg custard too) and dinner. very nostalgic and old school that gives a different feel altogether :)

  13. Um.... I always like Tofu Bakar. Must try that next time! Parking is a headache in that area especially coming from town area.

    Had the Leng Chee Kang nearby after dinner at Sek Yuen a month ago and it was BAD! Tasteless. A friend ordered the Bak Guo and ask for EXTRA bak guo (paid of course) he got a total of 4! In fact 3 as there were 2 halves.

    The white steam cake with sauce and Har Mai at the Curry Chee Cheong Fun was a different story. I was too full to eat it that night and brought it to the office the next morning and it was still surprisingly tasty.

  14. sc - yeah, that lane's hawkers have been there for a long time.

    wanderlust - no wonder there was no customers for the leng chee kang stall as everyone goes for the dessert stall next to the chee chap chuk people. The chee cheong fun and white steam cake is my all time fav item especially with sinful pork rinds.

  15. Old school favourite food is never a wrong choice. Those look delicious ... makes me wanna just drop everything and head there for dinner. Great of you to cover these favs. By the way .. I just 'migrated' to Wordpress .... and geesh.. it's not as flexi as Blogger ... sigh.

  16. good..goes to shows good food does not equal expensive food..i remember going once when i was much younger..but this place is really where my dad was bought up..but nowadays its just hard to get decent parking plus the area is exactly the safest of all places..

  17. I love the egg custard. So nostalgic. My dad used to tapau for me and my sis last time when we were kids. Its smaller and much more expensive now.

  18. Hi, ouaw, quite a long time I have read your blog and all these nice pictures of food or restaurants !!! Seems that your are ok ;-) Max from Max! in KL has just send me an email, the world is not so big ;-)


  19. Ahhh...once again, the corners of my mind! Ha ha ha...Wonder when will I take a trip down memory Wai Sik Kai lane! Wai Sik Kai anyone???

    Oooh, saw my friend's copy of "fmbk" ;O) I'm not worthy...

  20. I use to eat this all the time at the pasar malam near where I live. Then they stop selling it. Probably moved somewhere.

    I think the best tofu bakar I had was in Lorong Selamat, Penang and Gurney Drive years ago before it got incredibly price hiked!

    Nice piccies, boolicious...makes me go all gastranomically nostalgic *sigh* :)

  21. timothy - the migration sounds scary but then I'm IT phobic. Nah, good food is found everywhere whether in posh and pricey places or back street lanes.

    someone who is constantly craving - yeah, this place is definitely only ok if you come in a group. Actually for a gangster area, it's pretty safe I reckon.

    honey star - I love the eggy custard too!

    claude olivier - hiya! Yes, still eating my way through Malaysia. Nice to hear Max keeps in touch with you. When's yr next trip to Msia? We can always take you around town so you get to try all these yummy goodies.

    wmw - maybe you can organise another food crawl? Am sure everyone will go for it since they also want to try this Wai Sik Kai. Glad you got a copy of FMBK, hope you enjoy it and do try the restaurants, ok?

    the expedited writer - everything in Penang is always super yummy. Sometimes I reckon it's an marathon eating all the yummy items there.
