Gas! Gas! Gas!
Without gas, there will be no food…
One of my greatest fears when it comes to cooking is no gas.
Believe me, it has happened to me before. Just before an important dinner, that’s when the gas tank miraculously decides to die out on me. Darn embarrassing to throw a party for your friends with the intention to be the hostess with the mostest to be left cold with all that food. Big “facepalm” situation indeed.
Luckily I didn’t get egg splashed onto my face as I dialed 1-300-888-GAS for a tank of gas Petronas. If not, I would not have been able to cook this divine 6 minute egg with its melting yolk centre oozing out.
For all your cooking gas needs, call 1-300-388-427 (GAS) for Gas Petronas.You earn Mesra points, there’s safety checks to conduct safety checks upon delivery and the personnel are all trained to handle the situation. For more information, log in to www.mymesra.com.my/beyondgasdelivery.
P/s do check out the cool Youtube video (click on this link) on the website. Now how I wish they all did such acrobatics when they deliver the gas.
6-Minute Hard Boiled Egg
1 egg
water to boil
Bring egg to room temperature. In a pot, bring water to boil. Gently place egg inside the pot. Set the timer for 6 minutes. In the meanwhile, get ready a bowl of ice cold water with ice cubes. Once it is 6 minutes, remove egg immediately and plunge into cold water. Leave for 1 minute. Remove. Gently crack and peel the egg. Place on your favourite toast bread and cut through. The egg yolk will be oozing out.
NOTE: This is a sponsored advertorial.
Cute post cos I just ordered my "tong" of gas for our new place. The first thing I cooked? A pot of lor hon kor! :D
Beautiful looking egg! Will try this method the next time. ;)
Looks exactly like my breakfast that one! Hehe. I do the same with the eggs and have it slimeyly oozing out. Hi-5!
Great blog!
isn't the best solution to have 2 tongs of gas and replace the empty one when it runs out? lol
no wonder la... was wondering why your post so weird today:P
I think the part where most people get wrong is they do not bring the eggs to room temperature first.
Also if there's time, I always like to test one egg first, just to see if it's done the way i want in. Then i'll proceed to cook the rest.
The blog and data is excellent and informative as well.
check this out
Please correct the toll number to be consistent on the page . The number is 1-300-888-427
Interesting blog.
Thank you so very much for sharing the ~ Gas PETRONAS Home Delivery Number, realiable and professional ~ HELPED ME SO MUCH. :)
For fast gas delivery to Taman Melawati, AU 1-5, Wangsa Maju, Setiawangsa, Taman Permata and Ulu Kelang area. Visit http://piangassupply.blogspot.com
Ttwangsa area
Ttwangsa area
Titiwangsa jalan kuatan lorong no 4 room no 5 one gas 14 kg contact no 0166109213
Titiwangsa jalan kuatan lorong no 4 room no 5 one gas 14 kg contact no 0166109213
Teruk betoi. Aku tepon nak gas harini (ahad), dia ckap area aku xde pghtran arini. Yg ade, kelantan n tganu je. Klu ari lain, buat ape. Org pi keje. Hari ahad la org nk masak pon... Tolg perbaiki jadual anda...
Teruk service. Aku telpon nak gas hr ni pagi jam 8am (senin), dia cakap area aku tak ada dalam system! Macem mane pulak? Org nak masak blg tak hantar area aku. Teruk tak usa bisnis jak!!
Area dato keramat ada penghataran gas?
Area dato keramat ada penghataran gas?
Do you have services in Kuantan
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