
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Macarons @ Patisserie Rui & Profiteroles, Kuala Lumpur

More macarons?

I'm sure you're all surprised but my original intention to review all in one go was thwarted when one place didn't have any supply. I managed instead to rectify it one weekend by a fluke of good luck.

                                       rose and coffee macarons from Patisserie Rui

Patisserie Rui, Mont Kiara

My friend CS had raved about these..., "they're not like the Nathalie's ones as they have a soft top that sinks in the teeth when you bite into them just they way I like them."

My curiosity was piqued. BUT, these babies were quite rare and done on occasion. However I struck gold last Saturday, when they had extra orders of rose (pink) and coffee (white with a little coffee powder dust) macarons. Each one is priced at RM3.

The verdict - she was right as it was a lovely to bite into, not a hard shell with a soft yielding centre. I didn't think much of the rose one since it had a faint fragrance but my favourite was the aromatic coffee one. There's a light almost ethereal quality to them just like their cakes, which I reviewed earlier.

                                                 assorted flavours from Profiteroles

Profiteroles, Solaris Dutamas

We had discovered this small cafe located on the upper floors of the maze one fine day after lunch. Since we were all full from lunch, we only sampled some goodies as takeaway.

I vowed to return but since it closes on Sunday, it was a little difficult to do so. The weeks went by and last Saturday, we managed to eke some time to visit here.

                                           an assortment of macarons from both places

The cafe focuses on simple Japanese fare. Since we had eaten lunch elsewhere, we focused on the desserts. First, it was their signature profiteroles (RM6), all stacked up. The choux pastry is a little hard (probably due to the refrigeration) and each one is filled with chocolate cream. Not particularly memorable I felt but it did make a change since profiteroles are usually filled with custard cream.

There's an assortment of French gateaux and we select a Noisette (RM9.90) that is pretty nice since it has hazelnuts.    Also on display are a rainbow selection of macarons. This is one of the rare places that has the sakura or cherry blossom flavour but I wade through the many colours and flavours to pick more citrus ones like the citron, the exotic one (yellow with green sprinkles), caramel beurre salt and a pretty dual coloured one with pistachio and raspberry flavours. Each macaron is priced at RM4.

Unlike the earlier macarons, these ones had a harder shell that does not crack so easily that seem to leave a pocket of air from the ground almonds layer. The fillings are pretty nice though and I love the tangy citron and passionfruit flavours of the exotic one. The dual colour macaron looked pretty but turned out to be too sweet.

Despite that candy like appearance, there's obvious defects in each of them - the top halves and bottom halves are of unequal sizes. Believe me, it's not easy to get them equal in size as I've tried making macarons before. For more droolworthy pictures, see my Flickr set.

Patisserie Rui
G1B, Mt Kiara Meridin
19, Jln Duta Kiara
Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 012-3177290/03-62079282

(Open from Monday to Saturday only. Call ahead to check on availability.)

Solaris Dutamas
Jalan Dutamas 1
Kuala Lumpur

Tel:03-6205 5503

(Open from Monday to Saturday. More details in their facebook page.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. This review is time sensitive; changes may occur to the place later on that can affect this opinion. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from this place for writing the review.


  1. Glad to hear that kl has more places offering better macarons than melbourne. man... melbourne has to pick this up soon!

  2. Just read about these on Sean's blog - yeah commented on the atrocious color. LOL. Have to check em out soon, but i think after Su's giant Macs I've eaten enough to last me a lifetime:)

  3. Oh boy. Rainbow Technicolour Macarons, anyone? Hehe.

    I wonder, what's your favourite place for macarons in KL, dear?

  4. Yeah, which macarons do you like the best in KL?

  5. they should mandate a health warning label for macarons like they do with cigarettes :P

  6. i m crazy macaron lover
    want to go to try on this saturday =P

  7. I wonder what will be next after the Era of the Macaron? :)

  8. KL is really picking up on the macaron epidemic! Thanks for keeping us all posted on each little patisserie that makes them. I do still wish we'd make more use of our local flavours, what do people think?

  9. Nice photos of Macarons, will definitely give this place a try!

    I've moved Sugar Bean to I would appreciate it if you could link me in your blogroll. Thank you! =)

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