
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Glorious Fresh Seafood @ Suang Le River, Bagan Pasir, Selangor

nudge, nudge, wink....why are you taking my picture?

For some laidback action, how about dropping by this place that is slightly less touristy compared to Pasir Penambang? This small fishing village has been made famous by Precious Pea, who started a string of blog posts about this place after she discovered it with her group of friends. Last week, I was privileged to join them for a jaunt to this seafood joint.

fishy tales - 1. steamed siakap fish, 2. you want some of mine?, 3. flatfish with soy bean paste sauce, 4. mini Jaws! strikes again.

Best to come before the crowd or else, from what I heard it can get kinda ugly i.e. people fighting over seafood! First, we dropped by the fishery to check what they had and coincidentally, we spot the restaurant owner buying a big bag of clams from them. Seafood looked fresh hence we decide to return and stock up.

food glorious food 1. kiddy waiter as it was school holidays, 2. fragrant fried rice, 3. sweet tasting steamed clams 4. crunchy mantis prawns and prawns you could all chomp down in seconds

The restaurant is actually part of the family's house, hence you find the family members hanging around the place in hammocks sleeping or even a mahjong game happening nearby. At the entrance, peek into the kitchen (a wet and dry one) where you will see kids hanging around to help out since it is the school holidays. I guess these will be aspiring chefs to take over the family business in the future. Like any seafood restaurant, there are tanks keeping fresh prawns here but unlike the usual glass tanks, here they have makeshift plastic tanks or a flat tak filled with crabs all waiting for to escape or meet their fate in the kitchen. Everything is haphazardly placed; old rusting bicycles, long forgotten teapots in a cupboard and etc. You can choose to sit at 2 parts of the restaurant, the front part where it faces the river and that infamous wooden loo (literally a hole in the wall!) Precious Pea had blogged before as it is much cooler with a view of the fishing boats. Alternatively the second part is sealed up with a proper toilet and a television for you to karaoke your blues away.

crabby tales 1. Hello, how are you?, 2. Quick, let's do a prison break, 3. Damn, we didn't suceed at all....

The food is simply gorgeous and very simply cooked, to bring out the sweet natural flavours of the super fresh seafood. I loved the steamed clams (RM12) lightly drizzled with sesame oil, ginger shreds, chopped chilli padi and fried garlic. The soup at the bottom was the best part and I drank it all up savouring the sweet flavour. The super crunchy prawns (RM26, 2 types of plain and mantis prawns) were chomped up in seconds. As they were crunchy, I ended up eating the whole prawn including the shell but for the mantis prawn, since the shell was a little harder, I didn't dare crunch it down. Finger licking good, as the prawns were sweet tasting too.

glimpses of life here 1. 3 weighting machines; none are blind, deaf or dumb, 2. motorbikes are a popular form of transport here, 3. Around here, we're not scared of vampires, so please no Twilight and Rob Pattinson here, ok?

Steamed siakap (RM17) was next with its smooth flesh and simply adorned with the same items used to cook the clams. We also had the unusual flat fish fried and cooked in a slightly starchy soybean paste sauce (RM12). I loved that sauce as it was not too salty (hence I could just eat it on its own) and the fine flesh of the flat fish. Instead of white rice, we had fried rice (RM5)with bits of prawn and egg that was nice since it was not oily or wet. Last but not least, was the mudcrabs (RM30) simply steamed with egg white. Needless to say, we slowly ate every morsel of the crab flesh that was so incredibly good. Later, we revisited the fishery to stock up and also dropped by Pasir Penambang to buy fishballs, frozen scallops and banana chips. It was all great fun, thanks to Precious Pea and her makan gang and I reckon I definitely need to do this more often! For loads more pictures of the place including the fresh seafood at the fishery, see my Flickr set.

Suang Le River Restaurant
Bagan Pasir
Tanjung Karang

Tel: 019-6906788, 019-2335296
Ah Heng Fishery
Bagan Pasir
Tanjung Karang

Tel: 013-6354755

(Non halal. Open for lunch and dinner daily. Best to call ahead and book seafood, give them one day in advance. For the fishery, call to find out when the seafood comes in and what they have as it depends on the season and etc. To get here, drive to Kuala Selangor, pass by Pasir Penambang and drive towards Sabak Bernam. About 10 -15 minutes, you will see a signboard saying Bagan Pasir, take a left turn and go straight. At the fork, take a right and go straight. You will pass by houses on the side, take a right turn when you see Hai Chun Seafood and drive down. Suang Le and the fishery place is down here.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. This review is time sensitive; changes may occur to the place later on that can affect this opinion. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from this place for writing the review.

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  1. gosh, from your pics, it looks as if all the adults vanished and left the kids to run wild...
    the clams and prawns look terrific. no chance that this restaurant will open a branch in kl, huh? judging from my constantly similar blog posts, i too definitely need to do places like this more often! sigh.

  2. awww, the children are so adorable and that shot of the weighing scales and helmets.. love!

  3. Lovely shots especially the lil girl! Ahh...craving for the prawns again! never mind, shall just grab my last packet of banana chips and munch.

  4. Love out-of-town rustic places like this! All the seafood looked so darn tempting, haiya!

  5. whoa...aft hing ket, this is next!

  6. hmmm... this one has to go in a group to enjoy the seafood... but a bit far from Klang Valley I would say. Hafta plan a day trip just to come here :)

  7. Those peeled garlic look like peanuts.

    Btw, thx for d link.

  8. looks so very fresh! wanna eat there too..this rombongan makan is very nice!

  9. fresh seafood straight from the water into the wok. and the best way to enjoy them is by steaming them. i am longing for these...

  10. Sean - LOL, yeah it kinda felt like that since it is the school hols and they obviously put the kids at work! Sometimes, it's nice to move away from the concrete and find a little seabreeze....

    Thxs Ciki! See you on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

    PP - Yeah, she was so sweet to wink at me. Obviously the fav kid since she didn't do any work.

    PG - quite near yr place also, can make a trip down.

    thenomadgourmand - Sounds like a good plan.

    Leo - bring loads of people and do a day trip. Sure loads of fun.

    tummythoz - yah lor, now I only realised.

    sc - fresh from the sea in the morning!

    cindy - yes, that is why everything was steamed to enjoy the sweet seafood taste. Yums! Now my tummy is rumbling for some.

  11. fresh supplies of seafood, amidst the calm, serene village.
    the toddlers are evidence enough of the tranquility surrounding the place.

    but NO idea where this is. hahaha ...

    nice bumping into you, boo.

  12. I wish I can do this twice a month!
