
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Dining Out @ Harrods, Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur

english tea, madam???

Harrods has always been a little special for me. My first time visiting the huge Knightsbridge store was when I ventured into London as a teenager. To my innocent eyes, I was fascinated with the whole set-up from the elaborate Egyptian motifs, the never ending delicious treats in the food halls and the seemingly endless variety of items found in the different departments. Even after numerous visits there, it never loss that shiny sheen as it was where I splurged on summer sale bargains (my first designer shoes!) or enjoyed the gourmet treats, which I was always drawn too.

the gorgeous salted beef sandwich in its full glory

While the recently opened Harrods tucked in a corner of Suria KLCC (next to Godiva) is a shade of the grande dame, it still bears a slight resemblance and thankfully its reputation for good food is upheld. Initially, I must admit I was very skeptical. I dropped by once, in early March when I had to wait at Suria KLCC the whole afternoon for a certain someone who was called away for emergency work (the perils of dating someone who works in Suria KLCC!) and was fairly dissapointed with my afternoon tea experience. Even though they met my criteria of a typical English tea of scones and clotted cream, the scones were hard and not fluffy. Maybe that's the English trait, as I vaguely remember badly baked scones in Devon too but this can't do for Harrods. I suspect if I threw these scones at someone, I'll probably be sued for causing them damage!

little details matter here from the face-like green pea soup, the flower molded butter and art deco touches on the ceiling

I was a little upset with my afternoon tea, hence I decided they deserved a second chance and made it a point to revisit last weekend. We're so glad we made the effort (quite a huge one as it was packed and we waited for a table!) as food was great. When we walked in, we bumped into some friends who whispered to us, we must try the salted beef sandwich (RM35). I'm glad they dropped that little insider information as it was excellent stuff - thick but very easy-to-handle-without-looking-like-a-glutton portion sandwiches filled with melt in the mouth salted beef, generous portion of English mustard and horseradish sauce, capers, tomatoes and lettuce. Sides were these long chunky fries and a gherkin or pickle. While I enjoyed my sandwich tremendously, beware as the combination of English mustard and spicy horseradish sauce is not for everyone's tastebuds.

ye olde Harrods roast with yorkshire pudding and lashings of gravy

Splashie Boy had the Harrods Roast (RM45) - his all time favourite of fork tender roast beef slices (medium of course!), fluffy yorkshire puddings, new potatoes, brussel sprouts and asparagus. Excellent stuff that reminded me of Sunday lunches at my old halls of residence in England. I was very happy since he let me polish off the brussel sprouts. Working backwards, we also shared a tasty but bright green pea soup (RM24) that came with two grilled scallops and loads of cream.

Service was excellent - very attentive but still exudes a warmth. What you'll notice here are the tiny details everywhere that will fascinate you: the English rose motif on the mirrors, the art deco patterns decorating the ceiling borders, the white shutters you can peek out to see what's happening at the ponds downstairs, the butter pieces that are marked in a pretty flower motif and etc. Prices can be a little painful for the pocket but when it means you get great food and wonderful service, we reckon its all worth it. Do note that not everyone did think that though. We overheard one man complain about his Harrods roast even though our portion was excellent. I guess it is definitely a case of "one man's meat is another's poison." For more pictures, do view
the Flickr set.

Lot No. 137
First Floor
Suria KLCC
Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03 - 2166 6000

(Halal. Alcohol is served at the bar and the dining area is kinda small, so try and book ahead to avoid dissapointment especially during weekends. It is actually a tea salon inspired by the Georgian Restaurant in Harrods London. Open from 10am to 10pm. For the afternoons, a tea set is available with a selection of scones, sandwiches and etc. At the shop, you can also buy deli items like cheeses, cakes and etc. They also carry biscuits, wines, teas and some Harrods bags and etc in front.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. This review is time sensitive; changes may occur to the place later on that can affect this opinion. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from this place for writing the review.

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  1. The beef sandwich looks mighty hearty! I'm lusting after the roast - medium rare beef slices... *heart*

  2. totally agree with Bangsar-babe. The roast...arrghh.. hungry..

  3. bangsar-babe - someone was guarding his roast beef jealously. I reckon the next time, that is what I'll have also.

    thenomadGourmand - perfect for lazy Sundays I reckon, after a night of partying on Sat.

  4. like that shud go chinoz buffet roast or harrods limited roast?

  5. I heard from my friend who works in KLCC that the food in Harrod's yummy..popped by one fine evening, wanted to try, but my frens dragged me away as it looked very i must convince them! :)

  6. All the little details really do add volumes to the concept of dining. Bring on the tablecloths and the tableware! My last meal of 3 x sardine puffs was a travesty!

  7. Joe - chinoz roast a little diff since it is more value for monies but for old world and a better dining experience, go for Harrods.

    sc - it was super packed on May Day though but then everyone flocks to Suria KLCC. Do give it a try, show them the pixs and I'm sure they will be won over by the Harrods Roast.

  8. those all looks so yummy.
    love the earl grey tea :)

  9. 550ml - I actually sat at the same table the second time and was amazed at all the nitty gritty details I discovered. But what I love is the service, very attentive yet discreet enough for me to enjoy myself.

  10. So yummy. Your words & pics.

  11. ooo looks very yummy, price is still a bit prohibitive, but then again it's Harrods.. emm

  12. Henny - so do I, in fact the tea I usually pick is earl grey, which is what they're pouring out.

    tummythoz - awww, so sweet of you. Give it a try but sorry, I think no toilets to review.

    KY - near yr office also! I guess for special occasions or when pay is in???

  13. Little things means alot. Classy. They have turned the burger into a dining experience.

  14. i just passed by this outlet in KLCC this afternoon!

    but opted for a Chili's lunch instead. =P glutton in me doing da talking ...

  15. Hahaha, I laughed out loud when I read about how hard the scone is. Will avoid that. Thanks for informing that it's better to make an appointment before visiting.

  16. worldwindows - they're always known for classy and here they do it well. Great for those who miss the English way like both of us.

    j2kfm - you're in town? Chilis is also good - great for sharing stuff.

    sugarbean - damn hard scones ok! I was told that is the traditional recipe from Harrods. No wonder I never ate scones there but had the sundaes.

  17. i gotta go back for the beef sandwich! am also curious about the fish and chips. saw them bringing a plate for another table, and it looked really mouthwatering!

  18. ok, fish and chips next round but somehow it won't taste as good as England; greasy and vinegary all wrapped in paper to soak the oil.

  19. oh my god! i luv ur blog...and the pictures u taken...i feel like eating it...u did better than jalan-jalan cari only regret is not finding u sooner..

  20. Wow Harrods makan place in KL. Wahlau.... Love those salted beef sandwich. I think kat sini we called it corned beef sandwich. I guess they dont want to confuse the real English corned beef with the can one. Last time masa I kat KL we used to buy that corned beef from cold storage in bangsar, imported from Australia. But since we are here, we seldom buy it.

  21. Rosalie - so sweet of you. Never mind, start now and eat yr way thru the archives.

    Flower - I guess it is the Islamic connections hence they opened up here. Luckily it was not all luxe and for show, as the food is actually very good.
