
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Italian Food @ Pimento, Tropicana Golf & Country Club, Petaling Jaya

wine, spaghetti with homemade meatballs and crispy crackers with balsamic vinegar

Weird but true fact no. 1 - I can still eat Italian food even though I spent 2 weeks eating it nonstop in Italy. True fact no. 2 - Italian restaurants seem to be popping up in the city like mushrooms after a heavy rainstorm.

yummy pizza - salmon with gorgonzola

For those who know me well, they should know how easily I get bored with my food. After a few days of eating mundane food in the canteen (cheap but not so cheerful fare of chapati, fried beehoon and chicken), I was dying for some good food. Since this place was relatively near plus far from the maddening crowds and traffic down in Kuala Lumpur city, it was deemed ideal. The pretty good review on Sean's
Eat Drink KL blog also helped me make a quick decision. Even though we had to make a monetary contribution to the PLUS coffers, we thought it was well worth the trip.

They must have did away with the alcohol after reading Sean's review. Definitely needed loads more to make it more happening. And those are not worms on top but chocolate curls that resemble it.

Since it was late at night, we just went with the flow and took the staff's recommendations hence we had the spaghetti con polpette (tomato sauce with homemade meatballs, RM24) and the smoked salmon with gorgonzola pizza (RM28). The pasta was tasty stuff and came with 3 huge meatballs sprinkled with loads of chopped curly parsley. Not a very big portion compared to the giant portions I got in Italy but still good nevertheless. We also enjoyed the thin pizza shaped in a rectangle and topped with tomato sauce, gorgonzola cheese, mozzarella cheese and smoked salmon pieces. I did find the smoked salmon a little bit salty for my liking though but it was still tasted good especially with the thin crackly crust. The gorgonzola cheese is not very strong hence this will be ideal for those who don't like smelly cheeses. For sweets, we ended up with the tiramisu (RM18). Seems it is homemade stuff in a bowl - coffee soaked sponge with a layer of whipped mascarpone sprinkled with cocoa powder and chocolate curls resembling curled up worms. I guess my alcohol tolerance is pretty high as I found it lacked much alcohol taste. Instead to me, it tasted more like coffee soaked sponge.

We both won't mind returning for the other items (seems the lamb shank in balsamic vinegar is pretty good too). The menu is not too large with appetizers, a focus more on pizza and pasta, a smallish selection of main courses and desserts. The place also acts as a bar hence a few people were around for drinks. Do give this a try the next time you are around the area. I also thought prices are quite reasonable too for what we ended up with. Oh and for grappa enthusiasts they serve it here too but for a whopping RM16-RM22 per glass. Makes me fully appreciate all that free flowing grappa I had in Italy! For bigger pictures, see
the Flickr set.

Tropicana Golf & Country Club
Jalan Kelab Tropicana
Petaling Jaya

Tel: 03 - 7804 0565

(Pork free. Open for lunch from 12.30 to 3pm, 6-11 pm but kitchen closes at 10.30pm. Place is at the lower level of Tropicana's clubhouse and right next to the Havana Bar. Take the stairs next to Cuisine Studio to get here.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. This review is time sensitive; changes may occur to the place later on that can affect this opinion. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from this place for writing the review.

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  1. ooo, and it's so near my place! shall pop over to try soon, thanks for the post!

  2. The salmon pizza make me drooling early in the morning...
    So sad that Penang has very limited Italian restaurant *sad*

  3. thats the problem when u eat too strong alcoholic desserts made by u know who..i get the same prob too!

  4. phew, i'm relieved you liked this place. i regret not ordering any pasta, but none of the choices excited us. but i think that pj needs MORE italian restaurants ... decent, non-shopping mall ones. that's partly why i'm glad to be working in the city. it'll take me an hour to reach tropicana, but only 10 mins to changkat bkt bintang. :D

  5. Tropicana... do I have to go pass through the security in otder to get to this place???

  6. lol.. yar! they do look like worms boo! was just wondering if they did way with alcohol and added millipedes.. :P

  7. Wow for you to give this the green light post-Italy means it's got the goods! OK, non-smelly cheese AND Smoked salmon... no way I can miss this!

  8. another good place to dine-thanks

  9. Gah...I hate it when Tiramisu lacks alcohol!

    Your pics of the like food tempting! =P

  10. the pizza is gorgeous! look at the cheese man. heh. And yeah i tot there's worm on top of the food. haha

  11. Another good Italian restaurant? Guess you really love Italian food. I prefer tiramisu with heavy alcohol, taste better. =)

  12. Yummm .. I must try!

  13. sc - yes, just round the corner from you!

    Allie - am sure they will open up in Penang soon. Never mind you have superb hawker food to make up for it.

    Joe - hahaha, nope someone who does not take alcohol also was complaining abt the lack of it in this one. Pales in comparison to the one at Banquet and Cafe Cafe that is laden with brandy.

    Sean - decent place and I like the prices of it. I heard next to Jap food, Italian is now the "in" thing is town. I reckon so, since in the past few months at least 5-6 places have popped up everywhere.

    Leo - yes you do. Just tell them you want to go to the clubhouse. We're going there this weekend again, wedding dinner at the Tai Thong there.

    ciki - yup, I think they did add "worms". Would have preferred the alcohol though. I miss Grappa's at Bangsar, they did an excellent grappa-misu that was so laden with grappa it was so sinful.

  14. 550ml jar of faith - well you can't go wrong with pasta and pizza.

    foodbin - you're very welcome.

    bangsar-babe - I know! I felt like asking for a shot of brandy so I could slosh it in!

    brad - it took me a while too, as I kept blinking in the dark thinking they were worms!

    sugar bean - it's kinda comfort food for me, I guess. Like Jap food.

    Jules - I want Hainanese chicken chop from Brickfields. Next time call me, ok?
