
Friday, December 05, 2008

Nasi Ambeng @ Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur

the small stall trading in front of the house

I never tire from exploring Kampung Baru - it is like every nook and cranny there has good food, if I look hard enough. For me, the contrast between the old kampung houses and the modern skyscrapers always reminds me of how far we have come in development. Parts of the village has gone through some sprucing up with new pavements but to me, it is still a great place to search for Malay food.

delicious ayam masak merah using ayam kampung

We wandered there last weekend, to search for this Nasi Ambeng stall. A Javanese dish, Nasi Ambeng or Ambang is usually served during weddings and parties (aka kenduri). Traditionally, you place 4 portions of rice, fried noodles, chicken, serunding, tempe and etc on a tray lined with banana leaves. Everyone is encouraged to share this platter. Nowadays, the stall owners serve a different variety - single portions that you eat like Nasi Campur (mixed rice). Some varieties also see them packed like nasi lemak bungkus except the packets are larger. Here, the rice is packed tightly with all the accompaniements in a banana leaf, which infuses the rice with a fragrant aroma.

splashie boy's selection of ayam kicap and of course, his favourite bergedil

Located along the quieter stretch of the main thoroughway of Kampung Baru i.e. Jalan Raja Muda Musa, it is not hard to spot this stall within a house as they have a banner proclaiming they sell Nasi Ambeng. Only available from Friday to Sunday during lunchtime, you get a lovely view of the Petronas towers, if you sit there and dine.

the view to kill

We had a choice of fried tempe (cut in chunks versus thin slices), fried tofu, serunding kelapa, ayam kicap, ayam masak merah, green beans fried with tempe and tofu - a kind of sayur lodeh, ikan keli, bergedil and etc. This place also serves lontong every morning using most of the same ingredients - sayur lodeh, tempe and serunding kelapa.

I loved the chicken here as they use the tougher ayam kampung for their dishes. A little tough but still much better than the mushy and soft type of meat you get from antibiotic injected chickens. The meal was very satisfying and pretty reasonable - two portions with drinks cost us less than RM11. While the food was not totally genuine, it was still a very good meal.

Nasi Ambeng Stall
44, Jln Raja Muda Musa
Kampung Baru

(Halal. Near the community hall and the religious school. Drive down busy Jalan Raja Muda Musa, past the entrance to the flats and the LRT Station, go down further until almost the end of the road. This place is away from the main stall areas. Only available from Friday to Sunday from 10am to 3pm. Other days they sell lontong.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from the restaurant for writing this review.

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  1. your food knowledge never ceases to amaze me.

    i would love to explore kg.baru but find the parking there such a chore...

  2. eemmmmm yum yum. Great shots. Wonder if it is ok if I use some of your great pics for my website at

    Will credit you for the photos if I do use your pics.

    The Malaysian Explorer

  3. I love Nasi Ambeng..just looking at your picture is already make me Craving for it...Die die next weekend must try This nasi Ambeng at the shop yr recommendation..:-D

  4. jasmine - just take the LRT and walk around. The stalls near the flats are pretty good too, near the LRT station. Have fun!

    Msia explorer - no problems but pls do credit and link back to the blog.

    MamaElla - ah, a girl after my own heart. Do go try this. Must go look for other stalls also, nice stuff here - feels very home cooked esp the ayam kampung.

  5. kedai nih bukak x msa buLan puasa???

  6. Anonymous11:03 AM

    i just go there last week,they not sell only friday to sunday, but tuesday to sunday,you can go there to confirm,trimas!

  7. I will try this soon but I need to find the place first.Tq.
