
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Taiwanese House @ Signatures Food Court, Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur

I thought as a contrast from yesterday's beef noodles, I should feature this particular version. Last Friday when we at Suria KLCC, we discovered this place. Since it was really late when we decided to eat dinner (about 9.30 pm), we were just determined to grab a very quick bite. We walked into the food court on Level 2 and saw a new place hence we gave it a try. After placing our orders, it kinda struck us that this was related to the
Ampang Taiwan House place.

The lady behind the counter confirmed this for us that they are indeed the one and only. Seems they had just opened the outlet last week. The food offered here is the same as in Ampang but currently it's at a different price (it's served with a free drink in Ampang) since the Suria KLCC is known for it's exhorbitant rental rates. She plans to adjust the prices for the two places soon so you may see a price difference in Ampang.

Splashie Boy ordered the Dry Beef Noodles while I had their Ja Chiang Noodles. I had placed my order before I knew they were the Taiwan House from Ampang or else I would have ordered their Beef Soup Noodles which is my favourite. Service was quite slow that night as they were already planning to wind down for the night. I guess we brought them good luck as after we ordered our food, more people kept crowding the place putting last minute orders. The dry beef noodles tasted the same as in Ampang with it's chunks of beef but I didn't think much of the Ja Chiang Noodles as the minced meat mixture was dry and lacked flavour. Aside from the noodles, they also serve their famous chicken wings and chicken chop. Prices for the noodles are around RM9 each.

Taiwan House
Signatures Food Court
Level 2, Suria KLCC
Kuala Lumpur

(Halal. If you come up the escalators from the first floor, this outlet is the 2nd stall on the left hand side and is next to the Wantan Mee stall.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from the restaurant for writing this review.

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  1. Hi Boo, Am trying my luck here. Perviously when the Ikano food court was still around, there was a Taiwanese noodle stall there. Do you (or anyone else) happen to know whether they are still operating? Or are they the same as this one in KLCC? Thanks.

  2. well every stall in klcc foodcourt is a cut throat deal.. i really liked the dry curry chicken hor fun stall..

    maybe when i want a quick bite i better come here some money haha..

  3. somehow Taiwanese dihes have a pleasant 'zing' to their veges giving it a kind of fresh feel, maybe like those tender demure hokkian/teowchew ladies , issit ah ?

  4. fulltime mom - no idea where that place has gone to after the food court closed. Kinda sad as I liked that beef noodles too. This one is a different operator but same type of noodles - they also have the glass noodles version.

    Joe - I like the Ipoh Noodles place too, my fav but sometimes when you're just looking for a quick meal, the food court is a better alternative vs the also exhorbitant priced KLCC restaurants.

    the team - what's with the new name? LOL, yes there was a sweet lady behind the counter - not sure if it affected the food though.

  5. boo-licious - where you get so much money to dine out so frequently aaaah???! And....are you fat? *grin* (seriously, I wanna know!)

  6. boo,
    Taiwanese food seems to get popular in Malaysia. When I was living in KL 7 years ago, I never heard of any outlets/shops selling Taiwanese/Hong Kong food but lately in big shopping mall, you can easily find Taiwanese/Hong Kong food.

    Wish they were there before I left the country.

  7. wow, you have got celebrity commenting on yr blog!!! :p

    alas, there is something nice to eat at the klcc food court. anything nice at the other 4th floor food court?

  8. hmm.. i have went to Taiwan House at Ampang before. I think it's about 2 to 3 years back? Their food is nice and the price quite reasonable! Next time I will pay a visit to KLCC as well :)

  9. I am not much of a noodle fan but Ja Chiang Mein is one of my favourite. In the earlier days, those from Esquire Kitchen is my fave! Do you have any good recommendation? Thanks!

  10. Um... is this the same as the one in Ampang Point? I tried the one in Ampang Point twice and notice every after eating there, I just have to drink a swimming pool equivalent of water because of the MSG. Since boo is sensitive towards MSG and did not mention anything about it with this posting on KLCC place.... should give it a try next time.

    Shazmin, you mentioned $$ and weight issue w a lady... wow.. you are brave!

  11. wow.. u seem to be eating alot of noodles lately! yummy stuff!

  12. Well, I'm glad there are choices now in the "cheap" price range in KLCC! ("Cheap" is, after all, relative, but in KLCC RM9 is as cheap as it goes! hehe)

  13. I find myself drinking more & more water (err, don't think my bladder can hold a swimming pool full though) after a few eating sessions at the Ampang outlet. Been avoiding it since.

  14. shazmin - ah, we dine out quite a lot but if you notice, it's mainly hawker stuff. LOL, u selling gym memberships? If you have a cheap one, let me know?

    cat cat - yup, now Msian food scene is more international. We also have lots of Middle Eastern food.

    babekl - so far only tried the kopitiam (nearest to the windows) at the new food court at 4th floor. It's super packed for brekkie - always long queue for their kaya toast, two soft boiled eggs and coffee for abt RM4.

    vincent cho - yup, something to eat besides Ipoh dry hor fun.

    mycoffee - saw that Esquire closed in BSC, so sad! Esquire does a good version, another place that is good is Tian Shan in Berjaya Times Square.

    wanderlust - I'm sure there's MSG in this bowl of noodles. Heck, everything has MSG nowadays.

    daphne - I love noodles! Most of the times I'll always choose it over rice.

    lemongrass - there's no "cheap" in KLCC! Part of the reason why I hate dining there but no choice that night as it would have been super late by the time we leave the place and look for food again.

    tummythoz - I've not eaten at the Ampang one for a while as I had the Ikano Power Centre one. Sigh! That's sad as it used to be really yummy stuff.

    jackson - try the Ipoh Noodles stall. Best ever chicken curry dry hor fun but damn pricey at RM6 plus.

  15. They have 2 food court right? It's located at the centre one or the top floor one?
