
Friday, April 27, 2007

Nasi Lemak CT Garden (CT Roses) @ Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur

Something closer to home this time round - the Petronas Twin Towers. This is the fantastic night time view you get when you dine at this nasi lemak place. Views around the Kampung Baru area are always fantastic since there's no high rise development with the Malay reserve land restriction to block it. This is where people usually flock to to watch the yearly fireworks show to celebrate New Year.

Right next to the Sultan Sulaiman Sports Club, this night time nasi lemak place is popular among local residents of Kampung Baru and those seeking for a quick dinner or a cheap supper. Here each packet wrapped in banana leaf and old newspaper is simply a mound of rice topped with hot sambal chock full of ikan bilis and a sliver of hard boiled egg.

Extremely reasonable at 60 sens a packet, this is ideal budget food to fill up your tummy. Although the rice isn't the perfect fluffy type but kinda wet, the sambal and it's cheap price makes up for the dissapointing rice. Usually one is never enough hence you see people piling a few on their trays. As and when the pile of nasi lemak packets dwindle, the people behind the counter will start making them.

Once you have picked your nasi lemak, choose from a variety of dishes (lauk) to accompany it. Although it's self service here, you need to advice the lady what you want and she will scoop it out in a plate for you. She will also give you a small piece of paper with the price of the food.

There's fried chicken, fried quails, rendang, quail egg curry, chicken liver and cow's lungs on skewers, tempe, vegetables like fern shoots (paku pakis), french beans, unpeeled petai (stink beans) and etc to choose from. Our favourites are the tempe which is fried till crispy and the paku pakis. Once you have selected your food, grab your drink from the next counter before paying for your meal. There's also another drinks station outside which serves watered down fruit juices in tall glasses and coffee.

You can either sit inside which has televisions or sit outside to enjoy the Petronas Twin Towers view. This place is quite happening especially late at night - buskers will be around stringing guitars and singing rock ballads. The only thing I don't like about this place is the mosquitoes which hang out here trying to deprive me of my blood.

Nasi Lemak CT Garden (CT Roses)
Jalan Dewan Sultan Sulaiman
Kampung Baru
Kuala Lumpur

(Halal. Open daily from 6 pm to 5 am. To get here from Jalan Raja Abdullah if you are coming from Bank Pembangunan, take the left turn when you see Jalan Dewan Sultan Sulaiman. It's either the first or second turning on the left hand side. As it's a one way street, drive down all the way round the field and you will see the one storey building on your right hand side opposite the school.)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from the restaurant for writing this review.

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  1. I remember this place as the place with the most yummy and spicy nasi lemak in kl. My uncle used to bring me there whenever I visit KL last time and I would wallup 5 packets to myself.

    I heard my uncle could take 10 packets easily but that was the good old days where his staffs needed to work OT and he would buy nasi lemak for the whole office.

  2. 60 sen for a packet of nasi lemak is cheap. I love these prepacked nasi lemaks. They're...hmmm....comforting. To me, the important ingredient is the sambal.

  3. O_o 60cents only?!!! cool.... i thought rm 1 per pack is da cheapest one...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have only eaten at this place once, several years ago. Gees, need to revisit that place soon after reading your post. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. We can get nasi lemak bungkus here in Perth. For more or less that size of bungkus nasi lemak, it would cost us about AU$2.60 a bungkus, with either ikan bilis or ikan selar goreng, sambal, timun, a small piece of omelet here in Perth. They would put the sambal in a tiny plastic bag and wrap in the non stick brown paper wrappers. I prefer if they just put the sambal on top of the rice but I guess same mat salleh wouldnt like it. It might not taste as good as our Malaysian hawker nasi lemak, but I'm happy enough.

    12:07 PM

  7. Hello Boo, you visited my blog once when I put up a review on Natrabu. I've now set up my own Nasi Padang outlet. If you pass by Sri Gombak, do drop by! Cheers! :)

  8. Interesting!!!! Great food with nice view..what more to ask for?

  9. 60sen? Right smack in d middle of KL city with a great view? I have been sadly deprived.

  10. I love nasi lemak with lots of hot sambal n ikan bilis, peanuts, egg, cucumber ... if possible with some semi-thick curry chicken or ayam madu.

    Yumm ... treat me to nasi lemak when i go to KL, boo? :P

  11. boss lepton - sounds like such happy memories. I see quite a lot of people packing back the nasi lemak too.

    lemongrass - this one is a good combo esp with the lauk and the view.

    meiyen - the RM1 ones have slightly more things if I am not mistaken like the deep fried peanuts and ikan bilis.

    wmw - yup, this place is quite famous as there's so many people here.

    flower - the TTDI ones seperate the sambal with a piece of banana leaf from the rice which is also good than you can control the heat.

    Thxs for the tip Honeytar. Sounds interesting and worth a trip to Seri Gombak.

    precious pea - Yup, it's good for supper but must watch out for those pesky mozzies.

    tummythoz - time to visit? Must be near yr office.

    platinum - no problems. Just drop me a line.

    jackson - can't picture you here plus eating nasi lemak. Think u're more of a hokkien mee guy!

  12. Boo, what an amazing photo of the buildings! The food looks fabulous too!

  13. Hi!

    It's my first time here. And I think it is great that you've posted all these! My tummy grumbles as I read each of the entries ;)

    I especially appreciate that you've stated whether it's Halal or Non Halal. Now I can just point to a place and try out some of the few joints that you recommended.

    P/s: Do you mind if I link your blog to my site?

  14. This is absolutely my fav place of Nasi Lemak and best place to bring my out-of-town/country friends! The sambal is good but not overly hot like those at Antarabangsa. I normally have 1 with and another without! Recently they also added more dishes too. (They almost never used to serve veggie, but now they have pucuk!!)
    I can only go when I have a craving for "comfort" food as I just can't stop!!!

  15. Found your blog while googling Nasi Goreng USA. Currently in Australia and all this food I'm seeing is making me lust to go back again and enjoy them T_T.

  16. lannae - that great pix is taken by Splashie Boy since he has steady hands.

    farah - no problems on the link. Must admit, not easy to figure out some places if they are halal though unless the display the right signage.

    wanderlust - yup, good place to introduce foreigners to how people eat nasi lemak at night. Brought a few of them here a few times too. Love the pucuk pakis too.

    laguna - hiya. Sorry to hear you missing the food. Am sure you will get to come back soon.

  17. Anonymous4:15 PM

    now the price is RM0.70, no more 60cents. erm, delicious.....
