
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging (WCB) 93 - Happy St Patrick's Day!

Happy St Patrick's Day! This weekend let me reveal to you Mr. Green Eyed Monster. Although he does look sweet and innocent here, he was a naughty fella today. It started out with him having to share my attention with another kitty - the mummy cat who also comes over. He wasn't happy at all hence there were a lot of chasing round the house and snarling happening this afternoon. I finally managed to get everyone to calm down but the mummy cat refused to pose for any pictures since she was ruffled and angry. This fella did let me snap a few pictures of him before he also high tailed and decided to chase his sister, Fluffy around the garden.

For more kitty pictures and stories, visit
I Got Two Shoes with Kamikaze and Jenn for the WCB Round Up.


  1. What a lovely photo of the naughty kitty!

  2. Hi,
    i love your blog ! Mind to exchange links ? Email me if you are interested


  3. What a beautiful cat photo! We love your blog and hope you'll come visit us sometime.

    CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
    Artsy Catsy

  4. Ooh that's a beautiful picture! That's a glamour shot there!

    Kate and Puddy

  5. Very beautiful face! Thanks for joining in WCB this weekend!

  6. Wonderful photo! What a handsome face. :)

  7. kitikatasan - I think he wanted to compensate for being such a naughty kitty - pose and then run off to play.

    squall78 - sure, no problems.

    artsy catsy - such a lovely story abt Rocky! Am glad he has such a loving mummy to take care of him.

    sher - hee hee, he was trying to be an angel after his devil streak!

    kate - thxs! Glamour boy he is.

    jelly - thxs so much for hosting!

    dragonheart - hiya! Am glad you're getting sunshine at yr place as you're definitely enjoying it.

  8. Happy belated St. Patrick's day!
    That picture is very nice! A sweet cat with a beautiful face....

  9. thxs rosa! Love yr kitty's contented look too.
