
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Weekend Cat Blogging (WCB) 63

At the new house, we have quite a few stray kitties. Luckily everyone loves kitties around the area so they get pretty well fed. This particular brown and ginger mother cat comes to our door to meow for food every day. She has two kittens - one which looks like a miniature of her except it has a long tail and another ginger kitten which was born with a defect leaving it with a longer leg. Although she's not as pretty as the cats behind, we leave food for the whole family every day.

This weekend's WCB is hosted by Heather's Space, so hop over to her blog for the round up of adorable kitties from all over the world.


  1. She has a very sweet face expression... Very nice!

  2. rosa - she can be quite demanding though. She'll come to our front door and meow loudly but we feed her anyway as we don't like to see strays starving esp her babies.

  3. I think this stray is quite pretty with a lovely color pattern. She could be my sister!

  4. kitikatasan - Yeah, she could be your sister. Love ginger cats of all shapes and sizes. Really sad abt her kitten though but we try and give the little fella more food then the rest.
