
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Maggi Mee Goreng @ M Ibrahim, Jalan SS2/60, PJ

I have been racking my brains trying to figure out what else I have not featured on the blog before and suddenly it hit me one day, it was one of the all time favourites of any Malaysian from the mamak stall i.e. the Maggi Mee Goreng. There's something so great about these fried noodles made from the Maggi brand instant noodles that always makes me crave for more.

Although found in every mamak stall, it's not easy to find a truly great Maggi Mee Goreng as most of the time the noodles end up overcooked resulting in a soggy mess which reminds me of my homecooked efforts. At this al-fresco stall in popular SS2's open air Medan Selera (Food Court in Malay), the Maggi Mee Goreng (RM3) is in my own opinion, close to perfection as the noodles are cooked al dente, spicy but too spicy to make your eyes water plus tasty with the minimum of ingredients to make you itch to order a second plate. These noodles will always come with egg (usually scrambled in the noodles), spinach and pieces of tofu. For this stall, order your fried noodles with a sunny side fried egg that complements the dish perfectly.

If you wish for something more substantial with your meal, you can also order from the other stalls that sell Thai food, fried seafood like lala, O Chien (Oyster Omelette) and etc. Bear in mind though, these stalls can be quite territorial so check with the stall owners if they do deliver to where you sit before you order. It's best to sit near this stall when you place your order as there are a few mamak stalls that have marked out their territory.

Stall No. 13, M Ibrahim
Medan Selera SS2/60
Petaling Jaya

(Available from 7pm onwards. The stall is closed on Sunday)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from the restaurant for writing this review.

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  1. the boss fatt tatt bcos of the mee goreng. used to eat there a lot in the early and mid 90s when the video arcades where open in SS2. the old fella walking around always asking if u want siham or lala

  2. lanatir - so many people eating there! Everyone I think who works in SS2 has their dinner there and yeah, I usually order from the old man also.

  3. i like their indo-mee goreng and topped with 'Mata Kerbau -sunny side fried egg'... i used to go there quite often a nd refer to da stall as 'misai stall'...

  4. flymeng - the Maggi noodles they use are the normal instant noodles. I think they cook it but not too much or else it gets soggy and then fry it up.

    Meiyen - not tried the Indo Mie but I can imagine it being addictive as I also love Indo Mie.

  5. My favourite will always be Bestari's at Hartamas...
    Alas the quality of their Maggi Goreng is so erratic - some days it's fantastic and some days it just plain awful (I once had a serving that tasted like it had no salt in it at all).

  6. Quite pricey stuff, duncha think? Afterall, little effort/preparation needed, minimum ingredients & always seem such small serving. But then again, it's sooo addictive.

  7. its pricey alright but difficult to find a good one.

    easy to fried but not easy to make it delish until Boo can blog about it.......chuckle !

  8. Wow this is so freaky! I was just thinking about blogging about maggi goreng yesterday but I posted something else because I didn't have any pictures. I had a plate at Putrajaya recently and it came with a smiley face! 2 slices cucumber for the eyes and a tomato sauce grin! Thought that was so sweet.

  9. J - don't think I tried Bestari's, my other fav place is Jaipur's in TTDI. Yeah, so simple to make but quality is an issue.

    Jackson - aiyoh! That one is subscribed service. If you want, must pay back with free food instead.

    tummythoz - the serving was quite big I thought but I guess it's pricey as it used to be just RM2.50.

    foodcrazee - u ask yr chef friends to give us tips on how to make it at home. Will save us lots of monies.

    paprika - the more the merrier and your smiley face noodles sound cute!

  10. OMG! These have to be the best looking instant noodles I have ever seen! Oh, I can just imagine the egg yolk oozing into the noodles with all its glory. I really want a taste of this dish!

  11. lannae - hope you try it soon. It's yummy and the best part is it ain't soggy.

  12. Agreed! And Ibrahim is such a nice dude too ... spectacular INDOMIE GORENG topped with MATA KERBAU (I agree, Mei Yen!) ...

    Try Hani Satay there too, can sometimes be good, but more often then not ... spectacular :-)
