
Monday, May 08, 2006

Pik Wah Restaurant @ Kuala Lumpur

It's not the first time I have blogged about this place but since I took some pictures with the new camera, I thought I will put them up.

As mentioned before, this is the regular place for us to have celebration dinners. This time round we were having an early celebration for Mother's Day since next weekend we are having another family event at home. Usually whenever we go out for any family meal, we will call my aunt and uncle from my mother's side since they are alone in Kuala Lumpur. All their children have migrated to Australia and Canada. Remember I said we order the same dishes - yeah we do all the time as it tastes great plus my aunt and uncle are creatures of habit. First was their yummilicious fried rice - they do it so well it with crunchy long bean cubes, prawns and chicken plus a crunchy topping of tiny anchovies (ikan bilis).

The must have of the restaurant - their Pattaya Style Fish. I had to take this picture very quickly as the waitress was hovering around the fish which she needed to cut up. Not so fantastic this time round as we made a mistake of coming during dinnertime. Usually we eat at lunch but on Saturday we were busy shopping at the HomeDec fair in Mid Valley Megamall. It was packed during dinner time plus the regular chefs were busy with a wedding dinner going on hence the fish was not up to it's normal yummy self.

We usually also have their home made bean curd with angle gourd (no picture here) and switch the last dish around to try. This time round, we tried their three cup chicken. I was thinking more of Fong Lye's fantastic and sticky three cup chicken when I ordered it but it turned out to be an imposter. First off, no basil leaves on top to add on top of the chicken - only spring onions. Then the chicken was a bit tasteless even though it had lots of sauce on top of it. They also added chinese mushrooms so it felt more like a soya sauce chicken with mushrooms dish. Splashie Boy claims I can even make better tasting soya sauce chicken with mushrooms.

Don't forget your vegetables as they are great for you. It looks like we always order this when we come here. The siu pak choy fried with garlic and dried prawns.

Have you had your Mother's Day celebration? Just be warned though as next weekend will be chaotic at the restaurants with the long weekend, Wesak Day celebrations plus the Mother Day's celebration on Sunday. I think the restaurants will also take the opportunity to raise prices or offer special Mother Day's promotions next weekend so beware of being scalped.

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  1. oh wow!! check out that fried rice!!!just by the color , can tell its gonna taste good!! :D

    I am weird, i dun like white white lookin fried rice and this one looks yummylicious!!!

  2. this is one of my dad's favourite restaurants! as to mother's day, thinking of cooking something at home (yeah me trying) than going out as it will be crowded!

    p.s. my humble blog turns 1! :)

  3. honey star - this is yummy! Try it one day.

    jesscet - Happy Birthday! Good luck in the cooking.

  4. The Mother's Day promotion at Bangsar Seafood is brilliant, and it lasts throughout the month of May.

    RM38++ is good value for all-you-can-eat Seafood, I reckon. 03 2282 2555 for reservations.

  5. oh yes yes the Bangsar seafood promo, had it last weekend. Fantastic.. will post up the pics soon.

    Boo, never been there for ages d. This use to be the "wedding dinner place" for my cosins back in 80s/90s period. :D

  6. Tigerjoe - the whole of May! Wow, will give that a try as the dishes look great in honey star's blog. Only thing is we can't eat that much so it may not be so worth it. Like food here was abt RM25 per pax so eating at Bsar Seafood is still more expensive.

    Honey Star - we go every few months as it's std makan place for us. And yeah, very popular for weddings as there was one that night.

  7. My stomach acids are very active at this point. Nice pics. Hopefully ill be able to enjoy these food soon @ KL.

    ps. Drop by my blog.

  8. check out that fried rice. This is one of my likes, i like to eat rice very much....

  9. Discover the best family restaurants Kuala Lumpur for delicious meals and a welcoming atmosphere. From local Malaysian flavors to international cuisines, these family-friendly spots have something for everyone.
