
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Weekend Cat Blogging (WCB) 38

Where's my mummy?

Meow everyone!

The kittens are growing up pretty fast, this week they have learnt how to sit up and wander around the box Mum has made for them. She tried to carry them a few times to take pictures but it was so difficult as they were yelping so loudly until their mother started getting anxious. They are so fat from their mother's milk, they seem to roll around their unsteady little legs. Mum calls them fluffy balls as they have such fluffy fur. She says I looked exactly like them when I was young, one big fluff ball of fur. Anyway, if you want these little cute fluff balls, drop Mum a line at as they are looking for homes. I definitely do not want them as one cute cat in the household is good enough.

Lotsa love, hugs and meow kisses

Boo the Cat

P/s see how Kiri does his kitty yoga with Auntie Clare at eatstuff and my other kitty friends.

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We want to go home!


  1. Oh, those pictures are just adorable. And everybody knows that there's nothing better than adopting a homeless kitten except adopting TWO homeless kittens! You are so wonderful to help these kittens, Boo. I hope you find wonderful homes for them soon. : )

  2. They really are adorable. Baby animals are so hard to resist. Hope they find good homes so Boo can continue to rule the roost.

  3. auntie susan - I'm selfish, I don't want them taking my mummy's love so I want them adopted.

    auntie b'gina - they are cute and so fluffy. Yes, I want to be the only one at home.

    Lots of love

    Boo the cat

  4. What sweet babies. Reminds me of my tilly when she was tiny.

  5. auntie fran - babies are cute aren't they. It's when they grow up, they can be a pain as they like to pounce on old kitties like me.

    Lots of love

    Boo the cat

  6. I love baby cats and those two are absolutely cute!!!
    I hope they'll find a nice home...

  7. I hope too, Auntie Rosa.

    Lots of love

    Boo the cat
