
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Full Moon Package @ One Joy

I love receiving full moon packages. The last time I featured the traditional one we get in Malaysia with the red eggs, pickled ginger, curry chicken plus the turmeric rice known as nasi kunyit. This time round for my niece's full moon, the parents went non-traditional and opted for a modern approach of candy and heart shaped cookies. I love the packaging as the butterflies on it is so adorable. Although this was purchased in Singapore, you can get them here in Malaysia at OneJoy from Ampang. Do check it out as I love how you can personalise the baby's name and picture on the packaging.


  1. ohhh.. this package looks so cute! I'm not aware that it's available in sin...

  2. piggy - you should check their website. There are more packages including cute little bears. Very nice idea.

  3. this is really cool, same like piggy, I wasn't even aware these are sold in SG.. thanks for the link

  4. Hi Cath - yeah, trust my sis in law to find it. She's pretty savvy abt new things in town. In KL, my friend said they gave her free samples at her maternity ward.

  5. hi,
    thank you for sharing. recently, i got one full moon gift too but it's diffrent brand called Bundle of Joy, made in M'sia, Penang.

    can visit their webpage at
