
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Killiney Kopitiam @ Mid Valley Megamall

Recently, I was wandering around
Mid Valley Megamall wondering what I should eat and I chanced upon this freshly opened branch for Killiney Kopitiam. Singaporeans will be familiar with this kopitiam since it originates from Singapore and is famous for their roti kahwin i.e. kaya toasted bread and coffee. This is not their first outlet in Malaysia as they have had one for a few years around Damansara Uptown. This particular one occupies a teeny weeny space between Secret Recipe and Chillis on the ground floor of the mall.

As they are famous for their coffee, I ordered a refreshing iced coffee. Simply great stuff that went down well with my spicy meal.

Lunch was their signature Mee Siam - Singapore style which came with a spicy sweet and sour soup. I have yet to eat this version as I usually eat the dry Mee Siam with the tau cheo sauce (a brown sauce made from salted soya beans) that my friend, Miss P's mum always prepares for us. I liked this as it's pretty more-ish with that sweet and sour tang that comes from the tamarind, tau cheo and gula melaka. Only bummer is it's pretty devoid of ingredients as they only give you bits of taufu pok (Chinese for deep fried tofu puffs), spring onions, bean sprouts and one hard boiled egg. This I read is the traditional way of serving Mee Siam. The Mee Siam has definitely got me hooked so I will be making more trips to this place or their outlet in Damansara Uptown to eat it besides their kaya toast and half boiled eggs.

Killiney Kopitiam
Lot G(E) 011-A
Mid Valley Megamall

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from the restaurant for writing this review.


  1. pixel - gee, how I wish I could eat the one in Spore, sounds as though it's very delicious.

  2. pixel - I use a Sony cybershot and yes I have it all the time with me. Hmmm, I did not know it's off Orchard Road but nowadays I seldom go down to Spore. Looks like I will have to stick with the poorer Malaysian version.

    rabbit - the soup base has bits of taucheo though so I am not sure if you can take that.

  3. the singaporean branch tasted much better, for some pictures and review click here

  4. Realised this was posted way back in 2005! First time at Killiney Kopitiam today, sadly i think it will be the first and the LAST. Iced coffee was very bland and tasted just like water with some coffee flavouring. The kaya & butter bun was served barely toasted. What a disappointment :(

  5. I've been tracking down your older posts :-)

    Mee Siam - OK, the rest - Eeeeep!

    Cheers :-)
