
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

September 2005 Calendar

I decided to do a quick calendar entry to remind myself of the forthcoming food events that will be happening this month so I can plan for them since I can get quite haphazard at times.


  1. Lots of events! Thanks for posting a condensed list!

  2. So did u see ur blog being featured in KL Lifestyle? how come u never replied sms these days? hmmmmm..

  3. Joe - I need it to remind myself or else I'll miss deadlines.

    jess - I replied your SMS 2 days ago and sent you an offline yahoo message yesterday about it. Gee, I better go complain to Digi about lost SMSes. The issue is not on the newstands yet, just on the web so far.

  4. oh dear, looks like technology not so reliable after all..never got any of ur sms or offline msg. I was told the issue is now in MPH. I only got one so far but if i find it in my gym today will get some extras for u..

  5. jess - please do get a copy for me. Yet to see it on the newstands especially yesterday when we were at 1Utama.

  6. yep, i got an extra copy! but how to pass to u? wanna meet up for lunch some time soon? call or sms me.. :D

  7. Jess - can you hang on to it? I am going to be pretty busy next week. Then the week after, I want to try and catch that culinaire fair. We'll try and schedule lunch or dinner with the others one day.
