Malaysians love kitty cats especially the Malays so whenever you wander into a Malay food establishment, there will always be kitty cats who scrounge for food there. I once asked a Malay guy who was buying bags and bags of cat food for his large litter of Persian cats at the pet shop why he keeps so many cats. He claims that by being kind to them, they will repay you back in some manner. Not sure whether that works but I am all for that belief if the kitties get better treatment on the streets.
I managed to snap shots of this whole family of kitties living around a Nasi Padang outlet called Garuda in Kampung Baru. They were obviously very at home with the place as the little kitten was happily sitting under the metal table which served as a makeshift stove. Picture is slightly blurred as I zoomed in on the kitten to not frighten it away.
Since I love ginger felines, I had to snap a shot of this ginger kitty lounging outside the restaurant. Throughout my visit there: I saw a cat chase between this ginger kitty and another tabby cat who was limping from an injury, a whole family of adorable kittens led by their mother that are experts in melting my heart to feed them my leftovers and one naughty feline who decided to pee on my friend's bag. Definitely a happening place for felines.
This weekend, thanks to Cat Synth who is hosting Weekend Cat Blogging. I hope Claire and Kiri is doing okay as we all miss them especially those cute pictures of Kiri in his sailor suit.
pethygiene - I disagree with you totally as I've grown up with cats, ate at hawker stalls all my life and not suffered any health consequences.
Sher - ginger kitties do rule, not sure why but they are so sweet esp the female ones.
"By being kind to them, they will repay you back in some manner."
Very sorry for your allergic cousin and your friend.
Does your culture spay and neuter them?
I love cats. God made them to hunt and kill pests. Where there is food, there are mice and rats!
If you don't keep the cats, other cats will just come to take these cats place. They form colonies and are quite prolific.
Bonnie in the USA
wooo... where's this anger coming from.. to pethygiene,.. have you ever heard rabbies transmitted from cats.. and to think you compared rats and cats.. I do think that that's huge difference between stray cats and the longkang rats.. try eat at a restaurant with cats around..if u get sick... i'll treat u with shark fin soup ON ME
pethygiene - sorry to hear abt yr cousin and friend. Believe me, if you play with cats - you end up having an immunity towards them. It's kinda like food - eat lots of hawker food and you don't get tummyache.
bonnie loves cats - the problem is our culture does not seem to spay cats hence they multiply and we get so many strays.
donch know lah - yeah, lots of different people in the world. I still feed them as like you, if I see them starving, it tears my heart out.
kudin - yeah, quite rare to hear any stories abt cats causing illnesses as they are really clean since they spend most of their time cleaning themselves.
jackson - kinda an animal lover, doesn't matter if dogs, cats, rabbits or etc.
Those are very cute kitties! I love ginger cats.
I do believe that animals give back all the attention and love they get from you. And if somebody isn't nice with them they'll show it...
It is good to see that people care about the cats on the streets.
to pethygene.. i'm soo sorry i didn't read ur next comment.. i am sorry for ur lost.. anyway my sister is sometimes allergic to cats but not in a as dangerous level.. u know the normal stuff.. red eyes, itchy nose.. anyway sorry if my first comment offended you in any way...
Its very sad to see so many strays around. I am serious considering to catnap some strays around my area and send them to Klinik Kembiri for spaying. They only charge RM40 for males and RM60 for females.
I find it very interesting for people who write articles or blogs about animals. I even like health and safety essay projects that are linked to animals.
I love Cats. and i also love the CATS movie...
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